Knowledgebase : General
SSO (Single Sign-On) is a feature that allows for users to log into multiple services with one single set of applications. At this time Shift4Shop does NOT offer standard SSO for ADMINISTRATORS [
By law, the IRS requires all processors withhold daily deposits of any merchant that does not having a matching TIN (Federal Tax ID Number) or Legal Name at the IRS itself. This is a requirement by the IRS, and not initiated by Shift4. The start date...
To assist with overall site performance, Shift4Shop makes use of a separate template for 404 error pages. In doing so, it helps optimize page load times so your customers can have a better browsing experience. By default, your store will display th...
When you log into the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, you will automatically be taken to the Dashboard page. The dashboard offers an Overview section that offers a quick look at various statistics of the store, such as orders, sales, and visitors. ...
In today's world, cybersecurity and safety is highly important. As such, you always want to ensure you are following the best practices when it comes to your passwords to guarantee your information is safe at all times. USE UNIQUE PASSWORDS You sh...
Shift4Shop is unique in the eCommerce industry for offering a free, unlimited plan scalable to Enterprise levels. We are in the process of phasing out all paid plans, leaving the End-to-End eCommerce plans as the only available option. This article w...
Shift4Shop is always growing and implementing new features and integrations. Due to the nature of the platform, however, you may be looking for features we don't currently support. While we cannot guarantee any features will be added beyond what is c...
The Account Settings page will show you a summary of your user and store account information. This page will also allow you to perform simple account functions such as: * Setting up/Updating your 2-STEP AUTHENTICATION [
Beginning with version 12.0.7, merchants will be able to connect their store to 3rd party SSL certificates on their own. The following instructions will show you how to use this new function. NOTE This function will allow you to install a 3rd part...
Our support ticketing system does not currently accept attachments on incoming tickets. However, sometimes your issue may require a screenshot to be included with your ticket. If you need to submit a screenshot of your issue to our support team, we...
If you are using your Shift4Shop Online Store to run a restaurant or food service business, you can easily add third-party online reservation and ordering services by adding your service's URL via the EXTRA PAGES [
This is due to recent browser updates which now force HTTPS. In the past, if your store used a shared SSL certificate _(registered to *, entering your domain name in HTTPS mode would merely redirect to the _shared_ URL and its se...
Your PCI scan may be reporting a "PHP-CGI Argument Injection" or similar error about your Shift4Shop website. This is a False Positive and you'll need to get back to the company that performed the audit so they can flag it this way. The system is...
The Store Language section allows you to change many of the various generic labels and text found throughout your online store. Generally, most of the pre-written text found on common pages such as login pages and so on will be found here. With it, y...
With the increase of data breaches in recent years, some browsers (including Chrome) may provide warnings to users when particular username/password combinations are used. If the browsers are set with these functions, and they detect a login that was...
Occasionally, you or a visitor to your site may see the following message when attempting to go to the site. Typically, this message occurs when a specific user's connection is being diverted by the DDoS Protection services we employ. NOTE To be...
Update: Ending Support for Legacy Functions On 12/31/2020, we will be ending support for the following Legacy Functions. * Legacy Admin Interface * SmarterStats * HTML5 Templates We are committed to offering our merchants the best that eCo...
NOTE The following information applies mostly if you have purchased a dedicated SSL certificate for your site. * ISSUE When trying to access your store via an HTTPS address, the browser returns a "403 Forbidden" Error * CAUSE Your site's SSL ...
Although Shift4Shop is 100% PCI compliant, 3rd party PCI scanning services can sometimes come back with FALSE POSITIVES [] that trigger a FAILURE [
In some cases, your PCI scan may return the following vulnerability report. PCI VULNERABILITY: SSL/TLS ADAPTIVE CHOSEN CYPHERTEXT ATTACK VULNERABILITY AGAINST RSA (ROBOT ATTACK) This error message is due to a false positive and may be ignored/byp...
Your PCI scan may be registering a cookie called "ASPSESSIONIDAQCATAQS" as a non-secure cookie. This is an automatically generated cookie that is not actually created by the Shift4Shop software but rather the IIS server running your site. It is use...
As a service, Shift4Shop is compliant with current consumer privacy acts such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) enforced by the State of California as of January 1st, 2020. In addition, we are prepared to address any requests made by ou...
Merchants using Shift4Shop's HOUZZ INTEGRATION [] may have noticed the following message in their synchronization log: > ERROR CODE: 25001 | ERROR MESSAGE: NO LISTING FOUND The wording of th...
"Phishing" is an Internet scam that uses deception to compromise the security of your personal information. In many cases, these scams are performed via an email that looks legitimate, but ultimately clicks through to a fake site made to look like th...
Yes! Your store will keep a running log of changes made within the Online Store Manager on Products, Orders and Customer records. After making and saving any changes to a product, order, or customer record, the store will add a "Change History" s...
Are there limits to the API Calls? When connecting to the store's API (for 3rd party applications or your own apps) you will typically make various calls to the service in order to retrieve information or send information back to the store. For e...
There may be times when you would like to prevent certain countries from being able to use your store and place orders on it. For these situations, the easiest method to employ would be to edit your store's country list so that it only includes those...
Can I Display Referring Affiliates on my Store? Some merchants using the AFFILIATE PROGRAM [] may want to display the referring Affiliate on their store pages. For example, a notice on the pa...
* ISSUE: When opening up an exported CSV file in Excel, data in certain rows may get split into multiple columns. * CAUSE: There may be too much data in a particular cell, thereby making everything shift over to the next column in order to displ...
In a PREVIOUS ARTICLE [], we described how you can edit your store's text and system messages to reflect your business' language. If you plan to translate your store into either Spanish or Po...
* PROBLEM: Some links (such as analytic campaign URLs) are returning "403: Forbidden: Access is Denied" message and preventing the URL from working correctly. * SOLUTION: Check the link's URL for HTML code/script and remove it. For proper PCI ...
Yes! If you're building a Shift4Shop App, creating a Shift4Shop Theme, or designing a site for a client of your own; Make sure to sign up for our partner program so you can get access to a sandbox account to help you develop for Shift4Shop! * If ...
In the main dashboard of your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager you will see a readout of your store's traffic. Also, by going to REPORTS >STATISTICS and viewing the Visitors/Hits reports you can also see information about your store's visitors. To b...
* ISSUE: Even though I have disabled the Mailing List and Manufacturers list in my store, it still appears on the footer when I view my site! * CAUSE: You're viewing the store while logged into the Online Store Manager. Most Themes will have ...
Several of the store's built-in functions can be configured in such a way where the features will only work for shoppers in certain geographical locations. For example, when setting up a shipping method, you have the ability to specify the country an...
As an online store owner, you should have a basic idea of who your site visitors are. This can be useful information because it helps you determine and plan many aspects of your store and improve sales. Fortunately, there are several tools availabl...
When customers register for an account on your store, they are required to fill out a CAPTCHA field to verify their entry. Some merchants have asked if this CAPTCHA field could be removed. While it is possible to remove the CAPTCHA verification for...
NOTE The following applies mostly to legacy stores created under the 3dcart service. New Shift4Shop stores are typically automatically provisioned using https mode. By default, your store only goes into secure SSL/HTTPS mode when there are specifi...
COLLAPSIBLE MENU BAR As you're viewing the New Admin, the left hand navigation bar can now be collapsed to give you more screen real estate. Just look for the arrow icon as shown below: Clicking on that arrow will collapse the menu and give you a ...
As orders come into your store, you will receive an indicator at the top right of the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager as well as a copy of the customer's notification email. And - if you are using Google's Chrome browser while logged into your store ...
Your Shift4Shop store comes with a default Terms And Conditions page. The default terms and conditions page is pre-populated with general content such as privacy policies, shipping policies, returns policies and more. These policies are added to th...
Along the top, right-hand corner of the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager [], you will see a search bar. This is the Admin's _global_ search bar and it can be used to search for either orders...
Many merchants have asked if they can change their default username for the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager to a user name of their own choosing. Unfortunately, the default username CANNOT be changed since it is automatically created by the store s...
By default, your Shift4Shop store will contain a drop down list of countries in the checkout page for the shopper's billing and shipping information. The countries and states populated in these drop-down menus are directly controlled by your store'...
Changing your billing term (from monthly to quarterly, semi-annually or annually) can save you money and stop the hassle of following up with monthly bills. With Shift4Shop, this process is both easy and hassle-free. This article will show you how....
If you are reviewing your site's statistics information, you may notice a large amount of requests to the site from the following IP address: This is nothing to be alarmed about and can be safely ignored. The request from this IP ...
Shift4Shop allows you to create additional pages via the Site Content section. Alternately, you also have the ability to upload your own custom created web files to the store via FTP. However, please be aware that there are certain limitations in the...
How do I increase the size of the thumbnails on the home page? * ISSUE Thumnbail images on the Home Page appear too small * CAUSE The thumbnail is physically too small for your selected theme When you upload a main image to your product, the...
Your store has two areas where your company's logo may appear. The first section is the store logo which is applied to the whole site by going to SETTINGS >GENERAL >STORE SETTINGS and specifying a path to the logo in the "Store Logo" field. This ...
You can submit trouble tickets to support, billing and sales, right from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager! To begin, log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and look towards the very bottom of the left hand navigation menu. Once there, ...
We hold our customer's security and privacy very dear and due to this, Shift4Shop's Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are only able to provide help for verified and authorized contacts on the hosted Shift4Shop service account. Because of t...
Cancelling your service with Shift4Shop is both easy and hassle-free and this article will show you how. But before we get to those steps, perhaps there's something specific that we can still help with? Please consider the following: -------------...
Many times, a merchant may be presented with the golden opportunity of having their store or products featured in a national media spotlight like television shows or news programs. This kind of national exposure can greatly elevate the amount of traf...
Your Shift4Shop store can be connected to serveral 3rd party services that are intended to simplify and streamiline many common ecommerce functions like shipping processes, order management, customer management, marketing processes, site searches and...
The Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copywrite law which in part provides legal protection to manufacturers, distributors and commercial businesses from having their copyrighted material used without their permission. As a ...
We try to offer as much of a well rounded and fully featured shopping cart as possible. However there are certain functions which are not available on the service. Furthermore, there may be instances where features we _do_ have on the service do not ...
Images for your store can be uploaded using the _ File Manager_ found inside your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. ------------------------- ACCESSING THE FILE MANAGER * Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager * Look to the top right of ...
If you have a series of retail stores owned or affiliated with your business, a common practice is to provide a "Store Locator" function of some sort that will allow your visitors to find a location near them. This is currently not a feature offere...
Some merchants have asked if it was possible to offer a split payment at checkout for their shoppers to allow them to make payment in installments rather than up front. Unfortunately, no. At this time, we do not have this capability as the store so...
* ISSUE While logged into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, you find that you are being randomly logged out of the admin with no warning. * CAUSE It's possible that your connection's IP address has changed As you may be aware, there is a s...
The Titles & Content section is a great way to make changes to the layout of your main pages _without_ editing the HTML templates. Functions available to you in the Titles & Content section include: * Changing page Titles * Hiding the left and ...
To change the currency that your store uses, go to SETTINGS >GENERAL >STORE SETTINGS. Once there, you will see "Store Standards" at the very bottom of the page. Within this section you will see: * CURRENCY SYMBOL Use this field to specify the des...
Developers who would like to create apps for use on Shift4Shop powered stores can use our REST API capabilities. To begin setting up your developer credentials as well as review the REST API reference material, please click HERE [HTTPS://APIREST.3D...
For the most part, yes - with a few exceptions. As a provider of a hosted eCommerce solution, Shift4Shop outsources its web servers from a U.S. Based hosting server provider that adheres to applicable export compliance regulations. As such, there...
Shift4Shop's myWebmaster Service allows you to order quick fix services from Shift4Shop that you might not have the necessary experience, comfort, or time to complete on your own. These range from setting up features for you to making simple adjustme...
With Shift4Shop, you can schedule individual exports for most of the CSV files used by your store. This can be useful for situations where you might need to store an export of your customer records directly to your site's FTP folder. Or perhaps your ...
When your customers reach their final checkout pages, the forms that they will fill out for billing and shipping will come pre-populated with your store's country of origin. Since the majority of your user base will likely be domestic to your store, ...
------------------------- WE'RE HERE 24/7 TO HELP Shift4Shop wants to help your store become successful, and we've gathered a team of individuals on our support team specifically for this purpose. They're here - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - to g...
After you've successfully added your products, configured your payment and shipping methods, and gotten through the design aspects of your site you'll probably want to test your store in order to get a feel for how your customers will experience your...
You may have noticed lately that we've been asking our merchants to submit their tickets and replies via their SHIFT4SHOP ONLINE STORE MANAGER []. Our reason for this request is simply that we ...
A screenshot (also known as a screen capture) is basically a snapshot of your computer's screen. For troubleshooting purposes, you may be asked by the support team to provide a screenshot as an error occurs, or to illustrate how a specific element of...
When it comes to viewing a web page online, there are many factors involved which can cause a website to perform slowly or with limited performance. For example, there are connection factors to consider like Internet routing and basic connectivity ...
A traceroute is a basic network utility/function that will display the specific route a network connection takes to reach another network. In many cases, the traceroute function can be useful in diagnosing connection problems between an end-user comp...
The majority of Shift4Shop users will be on the latest version of the Shift4Shop software. However, some merchants have very special customizations made for them by Shift4Shop over the years. In some cases, these stores may not be on the latest versi...
* ISSUE: After selecting the option in to "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs," categories can no longer be removed. * CAUSE: Preventing the site from generating a pop up in this fashion will prevent the action from working corre...
* ISSUE: A Scheduled CSV export via FTP to a 3rd party FTP server is active in the store, but the file never arrives. * LIKELY CAUSE: The admin user that the scheduled export was assigned to no longer exists. One of the available options to th...
When using your store's built-in REWARDS POINTS PROGRAM [], you have the option of also adding reward points to individual customer records. You can also perform the same function via a CSV fil...
Your Shift4Shop store comes with a NEWSLETTER FUNCTION [] that allows you to send marketing emails to your store's subscribers directly from the Online Store Manager. To subscribe to your maili...
Every account with Shift4Shop has its own unique login page. The address to your Shift4Shop login page will depend on the domain you have on your account and whether or not the DNS for that domain is pointing to us. By default your Shift4Shop login...
Some merchants may want to preserve their main online presence on their existing WordPress site while merely linking to their Shift4Shop store for orders. The following information will help you accomplish this. This article contains the followin...
All billing information that pertains to your account with Shift4Shop can be accessed through your Online Store Manager. Information such as service invoice numbers, details, bill dates, as well as the credit card on file, open balances, and the abil...
Your Shift4Shop store has the ability to BLOCK SPECIFIC IP ADDRESSES [] from accessing your store. The IP blocks can be entered manually or via a CSV import. In this article we'll describe how ...
To update the card and/or billing information which you use to pay for your Shift4Shop service, please use the following steps: * Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store manager * Look towards the bottom of the left hand navigation menu and Click...
Shift4Shop can support any language that uses the Roman/Latin alphabet, such as English, French, Spanish, Portuguese. However, the cart cannot support non-roman/latin alphabets, such as Greek or Chinese. TIP Here is a brief definition of the MODER...
A common setup that some merchants employ is to have their Shift4Shop store _separate_ from another online presence. For example, they will have a main site at _MAINDOMAIN.COM_ and they will link to their Shift4Shop store at _STORE.MAINDOMAIN.COM_. T...
When accepting online transactions, your store will switch over to its secure URL which uses the "Secure Socket Layer" (SSL) protocol to encrypt data as it is being transmitted. When switching over to SSL, browser programs will request an SSL certifi...
Here is what you need to do if you forget your password or lock your account. PASSWORD REMINDER If you forget your password and are not able to log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager interface, click on the "Forgot your Password?" link righ...
The "Database Feeds" is a helpful tool that allows you to add FAQs, News, Articles, Press Releases, Testimonials, etc. into your site. You can accomplish this by creating your own HTML and adding the information on the content section, however, wit...
Yes. Shift4Shop allows you to add custom scripts to your website; these could be Javascript functions to be used in the HTML, Tracking Scripts from third party services like Bing, StatCounter, and Conversion Scripts from affiliate programs like Sha...
In general it's a good idea to change your password at least every 60 days. The Shift4Shop system will automatically require that you change the password at least once every 90 days. This security system can not be changed, and is in place to prote...
Use this guide when migrating from another shopping cart solution. STEP 1: MIGRATING DESIGN We offer a large variety of themes to choose from native to our platform. In the event these themes do not meet your needs, we recommend looking into our E...
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