Can I Add Tracking and Conversion Scripts? |
Yes. Shift4Shop allows you to add custom scripts to your website; these could be Javascript functions to be used in the HTML, Tracking Scripts from third party services like Bing, StatCounter, and Conversion Scripts from affiliate programs like Share-a-Sale and Commission Junction to track sales. All these scripts can be added directly to the HTML files via FTP or from your Online Store Manager. Please Note Please understand that assisting with the adding of 3rd party scripts is not something that Shift4Shop support will be able to assist with since it falls outside of our scope of support. If you would like specific assistance with adding 3rd party tracking and/or conversion scripting to your site, we recommend looking into either our Webmaster services or our third-party Experts. Tracking CodesTracking codes are usually required to be added to most or every page of your site. Any code entered in the Global Header, Global Footer, Global Left or Right Banner sections will usually be automatically displayed on every page of your store. Keep in mind however, that some of these banners could be disabled in the website depending on your specific layoutor on certain pages. For example, you may have configured a layout that omits the right banner. Typically, for scripts that are needed on every single page, the Global Footer works best since it appears in all pages. To add a tracking code to your store:
Conversion CodesConversion codes are used to report your conversion goals or sales to third party services like Affiliate Programs. Rather than having them listed on every page (as with tracking codes) the best place to have the conversion code is on the cart's final checkout page. To add a conversion code:
Additional Information:
Special Note The following Dynamic Tag variables can be used for these situations.
Other types of Scripts3rd party scripts aren't just limited to tracking and commission situations. Some 3rd party services can also fall into the realm of security seals, product recommendations services, even simple marketing services. Either way, as long as the scripting provided is javascript or provided via simple HTML; it can usually be easily added to your store using the store's Global Footer or Left/Right Banners for the placement of the script to show across the entire site, or otherwise in the Titles & Content area for individual pages as needed. Note | |