Knowledgebase : SEO - Search Engine Optimization
When sharing store links on Facebook, product images and details that are included on the link are dependent on the store's OPEN GRAPH META TAGS []. For the most part, this should include the p...
If you are using GOOGLE TAG MANAGER [] for your eCommerce site, you may follow these steps to add the required scripts. * Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager * Using the left hand...
Shift4Shop Merchants (Plus Plan and Higher; including the Free End-to-End eCommerce Plan) can view their stores live SEO traffic stats on their Product, Category, Blog and Extra Pages. The information posted for view will be gathered from both Goog...
Google Search Console might report issues detected on your product pages, it's important to understand the nature of these in order to take action to resolve them. The following is a list of the Structured Data that is present on the Core Themes's ...
The following is a common error that appears when checking AMP [] on your product pages using Google's AMP TEST TOOL. INVALID LAYOUT...
Google Analytic's Enhanced Ecommerce functionality allows the measurment of user interactions with your products and the user's shopping experience, including: product impressions, product clicks, viewing product details, adding a product to the cart...
* ISSUE: When performing a search on Google or Bing for a specific store category, you are seeing generic content information rather than details about the page. * CAUSE: Not having meta tags. In the absence of a meta description, Google & Bi...
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a Google-backed project designed as an open standard for any publisher to have pages load quickly on mobile devices. When a page is indexed and listed on Google, the search engine will favor AMP enabled pages so that...
The following steps will allow you to integrate your Shift4Shop store's products with Facebook Ads technology. For information on setting up and using your Facebook ads account, please click HERE [
* ISSUE Google Analytics is crediting PayPal (or other off site payment gateway) as a referrer * SOLUTION Add referral exclusions to your Google Analytics account settings. Google Analytics recognizes where incoming traffic was immediately be...
* ISSUE When searching for your domain on Google, the result shows a essage reading: "A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt" * CAUSE You are using the temporary * _(or * U...
WHAT ARE TWITTER CARDS? Twitter Cards allow you to append media such as product images and pricing information to tweets about your products. This can be a great way to represent your items on Twitter and (hopefully) drive sales! More information ...
You can easily add Social Icons to your Shift4Shop site by simply providing the URL to your social media channels directly inside the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. Here's how! TIP If you aren't using it already, Social Media is a great way to a...
For SEO purposes, your Shift4Shop store will automatically provide your store with several dynamic SITE MAPS [HTTPS://SUPPORT.3DCART.COM/KNOWLEDGEBASE/ARTICLE/VIEW/57] including Product, Category and Manufacturer index pages. These are created usin...
Mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most daunting tasks in eCommerce Store management. Fortunately Shift4Shop makes this easy to manage with our built in SEO tools. Shift4Shop merchants have an area of the Shift4Shop Online Sto...
h1 tags can be an important part of your site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO) parameters since they are used by search engines to properly index and catalog your pages. By default, Shift4Shop's templates are optimized to automatically include
When someone performs a search for any topic on Google, the search result page will display a main headline link at the top of the search listing and a few lines of what's on the page directly below the link. These few lines of page information are c...
You can easily generate a feed of your products for use on Google Shopping by using Shift4Shop's Automated Google Product Feed service. This article will show you how to use the service and generate the feed for your Google Merchant account. This a...
When running a Google PageSpeed test on your store's domain, one of the suggested corrections is to "Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content" and a variety of suggestions will be made. Unfortunately, the CSS and JS el...
Shift4Shop offers our customers a sitemap that we regenerate for your store on a daily basis. When we regenerate the sitemap it will then include all changes and updates you have made within the previous 24-hour period. Often times you may like to ...
* ISSUE: You would like to block a particular bot from crawling/indexing your site * SOLUTION: Edit your store's Robots.txt file. To begin: * Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager * Using the left hand navigation menu, go to MARK...
Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You'll be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to co...
You can easily keep track of your RSS feed statistical analytics with Google's FeedBurner tool. As part of your Shift4Shop store, you also have the ability to add your site's blog section as an RSS feed for analysis. This tutorial will outline the ba...
A sitemap is used to tell search engines about pages on your store that they (the search engines) might not otherwise find through regular site crawling. Shift4Shop makes it easy to create your own store's sitemap. Furthermore, if you're using GOOG...
On your Shift4Shop store, the paths to your product and general site content pages are usually constructed in the following fashion: However, sometimes there may be alternate versions of your page URLs that can be listed ...
While your Shift4Shop store will generate SEO friendly page names and URLs based on the product's name, there may be situations where you'd like to control the _exact_ way a page is labeled. Perhaps your pages enjoyed special rankings based on a sp...
Open Graph Meta Tags are special properties that are added to each of your product listing pages which will control specifically _how_ your products are displayed on Facebook when someone uses either the Facebook "Like" or "Send" buttons. ----------...
You can add a Facebook "Like" button directly onto your product pages that will allow your shoppers and site visitors to click a Like button on a product in your store and have the "Like" posted to their Facebook Timeline. This allows the item to be ...
Shift4Shop allows you to export and import your 301 redirects via CSV file! This can be helpful if you are moving to Shift4Shop from an different hosting service, and you want to preserve your existing SEO rankings by utilizing the same file paths yo...
Users of the Google Search Center may be getting messages regarding "blocked resources" in their Google Index. The messages may also contain a subscript stating that "_Rendering without this resource might impair the indexing of your web pages_." T...
Social Bookmarking allows you to share your products and promotions anywhere and boost traffic to your site. It only takes seconds to install the "AddtoAny" social bookmarking tool and it's free! Your product pages will provide your visitors with th...
In some cases, you may need to actively prevent search engines from indexing your Shift4Shop store. This is typically needed when you are developing a _copy_ of your store on Shift4Shop and - since it likely contains the same product information as y...
* ISSUE Google indexing is reporting that your store's items are missing microdata for the items' condition. * SOLUTION Change your product's listing page to the default listing_0.html template which contains the required microdata coding for co...
Here is a quick list of settings to check for which may cause your custom file names to not work: * In MARKETING >SEO TOOLS section, make sure the "Custom File Names" checkbox is checked. * In the MARKETING >SEO TOOLS section, make sure you cli...
When using Adwords, Google will automatically add Auto-Tagging to your URLs if you do not customize your options. This will cause all your links ending in ".html" to fail when google adds thier tags to them. This article will explain this in depth an...
If you have switched the DNS of your domain to the Shift4Shop servers to Go Live, yet the "*" still displays in the URL for search engine results (Google, Yahoo Search, etc.), you will need to take a look at a few of your settings. NOTE...
* ISSUE: Google Merchant Center reports that it cannot correctly index images on my Shift4Shop store. * CAUSE: The robots.txt used for the HTTPS version of the site is set to block Googlebot access When you generate a feed from your store for ...
PROBLEM When navigating the store, links to some products or categories result in the following error message: BAD REQUEST - INVALID URL _____________________________________________ HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid CAUSE Your produ...
One of the most powerful tools a website owner has at their disposal is Google Search Console (previously known as WebMaster Tools). This is a free service that Google offers to help domain owners optimize their sites for search engine rankings as we...
If you have an existing website which you are migrating over to Shift4Shop, you can use 301 redirects to preserve your established URLs to your new Shift4Shop website. A 301 redirect simply takes the entered URL for a requested resource and redirec...
Your Shift4Shop store has a file called Robots.txt installed within its system that actively blocks certain pages from being indexed by search engines. As a Shift4Shop Store Owner, you can edit your store's robots.txt file by navigating to the foll...
To correct this, you'll just need to update the Store URL in your Shift4Shop settings. You may do this by using the following steps. From your Online Store Manager go to: * SETTINGS >GENERAL >STORE SETTINGS * Click on the "Store" tab along th...
This is a common issue that occurs when you try to add your own cutom meta-tags to your products so that they are directly compatible with social media sources like Pinterest, instagram and other services. When saving the edited meta tags, the syst...
Your Shift4Shop store comes with a dynamically generated sitemap which can be submitted to both your Google and Bing Webmaster Tools services. SUBMITTING YOUR SITEMAP TO WEBMASTER TOOLS When adding your sitemap to your Google or Bing's Webmaster T...
In a previous article, we explained how the store dynamically gnerates a sitemap for Search Engine submittal. The following is a list of what's included in the default Sitemap * PRODUCT PAGES * CATEGORY PAGES * SITE CONTENT PAGES * BLOG P...
Shift4Shop makes it easy for you to have SEO meta tags on your web pages. Furthermore, your meta tags can be fully customized as you please. META TAGS Meta elements provide information about a given webpage, and are most often used to help search ...
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