Knowledgebase: General

How Do I Set Up a 3rd party SSL Certificate?


Beginning with version 12.0.7, merchants will be able to connect their store to 3rd party SSL certificates on their own. The following instructions will show you how to use this new function.

This function will allow you to install a 3rd party SSL certificate to your store domain. However, at this time, wildcard SSL certificates are not possible via this tool. If you are looking to install a wildcard SSL (i.e. for *, please submit a support ticket so we may assist you with the process.

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Settings > General > Store Settings
  3. Click on the "Manage Domain & Store URL" to proceed

  1. Next, look towards the top right of the Domain Settings page and click on the "Action" menu
  2. Select the "Connect a Third-Party SSL" option

Generating a CSR

First you will need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for your 3rd party SSL certificate. Please note that this always will need to be done for a new SSL Certificate by a third party.

If you have already completed the CSR step and have had the SSL issued by your 3rd party provider, click the "click here" link to proceed to the next steps.

Continuing from the steps listed above:

  1. Fill out the CSR form (see below for additional information)
  2. Click "Generate CSR"

The system will generate your CSR and RSA keys. Copy this information and paste it into a text editor. Be sure to save the file in a secure location on your computer since it will be needed when generating/ordering the SSL from your 3rd party provider.

Additional Information
When filling out the CSR form, note that all of the fields in the form are required.

  • Common Name: This is the domain name you wish to create the SSL certificate for. It is pre-populated for your convenience.
  • Organization Name: This is your legal incorporated business name. It should include any applicable suffixes such as Ltd, LLC, Inc, etc.
  • Department: The internal organization department or division name. (IT, HR, Finance, etc)
  • City: Your city name
  • State: Your state or province. Note that this should not be abbreviated. (i.e. Enter "New York" instead of "NY")
  • Country: the two-letter ISO code for the country where your organization is located (e.g. US, CA, GB)

Generating Your SSL Certificate

You can now use the CSR and RSA keys you generated in the steps above to generate the SSL certificate through your 3rd party provider.

Please follow whatever instructions are given by your 3rd party provider, but the basic process is this:

  • Provide/Upload the CSR copied from the steps above to your provider.
  • Generate and download the SSL certificate and proceed to the installation steps outlined below

Depending on your 3rd party provider, you may be asked for additional information for the SSL certificate. This may include providing the RSA private key generated in the steps above.

If asked for a server type, select Windows IIS 7.x or higher. If this is not available, select "other".

Installing the SSL Certificate

Once you have the SSL certificate files from your 3rd party provider, proceed with the following steps to install it onto your store.

If your SSL files were provided in the form of a ZIP file, please be sure to unzip them to your computer before proceeding.

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Settings > General > Store Settings
  3. Click on the "Manage Domain & Store URL" to proceed
  4. once again, look towards the top right of the Domain Settings page and click on the "Action" menu
  5. Select the "Connect a Third-Party SSL" option
  6. This time, click on the "click here" link illustrated below to proceed to the install screen.

You will have two fields. One for the SSL certificate and one for the Private Key.

  1. Enter the certificates into the appropriate fields
  2. Click on "Install Certificate"

Be aware that it may take a bit of time for the installation process to complete.

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