Social Bookmarking allows you to share your products and promotions anywhere and boost traffic to your site. It only takes seconds to install the "AddtoAny" social bookmarking tool and it's free! Your product pages will provide your visitors with the ability to share products with their friends via Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.
Note: Please be aware that the Social Bookmarking script is only suitable for desktop versions of your store and will not work on Mobile platforms.
To use Social Bookmarking:
Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu:
- Go to Marketing >SEO Tools
- Navigate to the Social Bookmarking tab
- Scroll below the Social Links section to locate the appropriate Social Bookmarking area
- Place a mark on the "Enable Script" checkbox.
- Click "Save" at the top right of the page.
Note You can review and even edit the scripting that is used for the Social Bookmarking action. If you inadvertently change your script or remove it accidentally, you can restore it by clicking the "Restore Default Script" link at the bottom of the page.

Important Previously, Shift4Shop utilized a different social bookmarking script. If you are still using the old one and wish to utilize the newest one from AddtoAny, please use the "Restore Default Script" link noted above. This will pull the current script we have in place.