Can I add more images to my product image carousel? |
When adding product images in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, the images will be displayed on your product listing page within a small carousel located under the main product image. Vistors can then cycle through the images from the small carousel. While you can upload as many images as you'd like for a particular product, the defualt action of the product listing template is to display the first 20 images within the product page carousel. If you would like to display more images in the carousel, you will need to make changes to the HTML coding of the product listing template to accomodate the additional images. This article will show you the proper coding to use. Please Note Please understand that - regardless of how simple the changes may be - HTML changes and troubleshooting fall outside the scope of our support department. The Shift4Shop support team is neither trained, qualified, nor allowed to make these changes for you. The boundary of our scope in this matter is limited to providing these instructions and helping you reset the template if the changes don't work as you wanted. If you are uncomfortable with making changes to your site's HTML, please contact our Support Team and inquire about our HTML and design services which can make these changes for you. Thank you for your understanding I'm willing to risk it! What do I need? To make these changes you'll need the following:
Retrieving the Listing TemplateTo begin, you will need to download/retrieve a copy of the default listing template. This can be done via FTP. You will also use FTP to upload your edited file to your store's theme folder after your changes are made.
After downloading the template, it might be a good idea to make a backup of the file in case you need it later. For the purposes of this article, you will be editing this file and uploading the result to your store's specific theme folder. So make a note of your store's selected theme for reference later. You can find your installed theme by going into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and navigating to Settings ->Design ->Themes & Styles. The name of your installed theme folder will be shown at the top left of the page labeled "Selected Theme." Making Your ChangesAs mentioned, the default action of the template is to display up to 20 product images within the product image carousel. Typically, most merchants will not need more than 20 images to advertise and sell the product. However, if you'd like to add the ability of displaying more images, you will need to add the additional image slots into the template. To do this, we'll be copying parts of the template that control these image slots, pasting them as often as needed to accomodate the extra images, and finally editing each code instance to reference the proper images.
This portion of HTML controls the final image in the carousel. The block of code will begin with the above tag and end with <!--START: image20-> <li class="prod-thumb image20"><a href="[image20]" rel="thumb-id:listing_main_image_link" rev="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=[image_medium_w]&maxy=0" onclick="javascript:image_click(20);return false;"><img src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=50&maxy=0" width="50" alt="" name="pimage20" /></a></li> <!--END: image20->
Be sure to copy the entire block of code including the START and END tags.
The result will look like this: <!--START: image20-> <li class="prod-thumb image20"><a href="[image20]" rel="thumb-id:listing_main_image_link" rev="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=[image_medium_w]&maxy=0" onclick="javascript:image_click(20);return false;"><img src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=50&maxy=0" width="50" alt="" name="pimage20" /></a></li> <!--END: image20-> <!--START: image20-> <li class="prod-thumb image20"><a href="[image20]" rel="thumb-id:listing_main_image_link" rev="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=[image_medium_w]&maxy=0" onclick="javascript:image_click(20);return false;"><img src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=50&maxy=0" width="50" alt="" name="pimage20" /></a></li> <!--END: image20->
There are eight instances of the number 20 altogether. After you're done, the code will look like this. We've colorized the edits for your reference. <!--START: image20-> <li class="prod-thumb image20"><a href="[image20]" rel="thumb-id:listing_main_image_link" rev="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=[image_medium_w]&maxy=0" onclick="javascript:image_click(20);return false;"><img src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image20]&maxx=50&maxy=0" width="50" alt="" name="pimage20" /></a></li> <!--END: image20-> <!--START: image21-> <li class="prod-thumb image21"><a href="[image21]" rel="thumb-id:listing_main_image_link" rev="thumbnail.asp?file=[image21]&maxx=[image_medium_w]&maxy=0" onclick="javascript:image_click(21);return false;"><img src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image21]&maxx=50&maxy=0" width="50" alt="" name="pimage21" /></a></li> <!--END: image21->
In other words, if you'd like to display 30 images altogether, then you would need to repeat this copy/paste/edit process for image 22, 23, 24, 25, and so on. You're almost done! At this point, you've added the additional image slots to the listing template. In the next steps, you'll add image slots to the scripting that is used by the carousel. As before, we'll be searching for a specific piece of coding, copying it, pasting it, and editing it to reflect the subsequent images. There are three pieces of coding remaining but they are all located close to each other on the file and are relatively easier to edit.
//Thumbnail script var image1,image2,image3,image4,image5,image6,image7,image8,image9,image10,image11,image12,image13,image14,image15,image16,image17,image18,image19,image20,selectedimage; var imagemaxwidth, imagemaxheight
For example: //Thumbnail script
var image1,image2,image3,image4,image5,image6,image7,image8,image9,image10,image11,image12,image13,image14,image15,image16,image17,image18,image19,image20,image21,image22,image23,image24,image25,selectedimage;
var imagemaxwidth, imagemaxheight
image20="[image20]"; image20="[image20]";
image20="[image20]"; image21="[image21]";
imagecaption20="[imagecaption20]";; imagecaption21="[imagecaption21]";
After your changes are made, follow the next steps to upload your edited template file: After your changes are made:
Your product pages will now display any addtional images (over 20) that you have added to your product. Furthermore, the template will only display additional images if they are present on the product. In other words, if the product only has 5 images, only 5 will display in the carousel. | |