
Adding Products: How do I add product images?


To add images to your products, first log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and go to Products >Product List. Find the product you'll be editing and click on its name. Alternately, you can also look to the far right of the product and click on its "Actions >Edit" button to go into the product editing screen. Once you're there, continue with the following steps.

Adding Images

  1. Click on the Images tab at the top of the page
  2. In the top portion of the page, you will find a section labeled "Drop Files to upload." This section gives you three options:
    • Upload your images
      Simply click and drag images from your home computer to the diagonally striped portion of the section and they will be uploaded to your store and assigned to the product automatically
    • Select Already Uploaded Images
      If the images have already been uploaded to your store, click the link marked "Use images you already uploaded" to navigate trhough the store's file manager to locate and select the images
    • Link to Web Images
      You can also reference directly to images on the web by clicking on the "Use images from the web" link. Provide the URL to the image's location and a caption to use this function.
  3. Repeat these steps as needed to complete your product's image gallery and click "Save" at the top right

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