This article contains the following sections:
This article will teach you how to add, delete, set IP restrictions, and set permissions for users for your Shift4Shop Administration panel. You are able to add additional users to your Online Store Manager, as well as set specific access permissions for each individual. You can also change passwords for the users anytime you need.
To add new users to the Shift4Shop account:
- Go to Settings >General >Administrator Access
- Click the "+Add New" button at the top right
- Enter an email address for the user. This email address will be used to email them a password reset link in the event they forget their login password.
- Enter the Username for the account - this must contain only letters, numbers and underscores. At least 1 letter, 1 number and at least 7 characters long.
Tip Beginning with version 11.3.0 of the Shift4Shop service, users will be able to log in using either their email address or username. Therefore, when creating a user, be sure that they have a unique email address
- Enter the user's name. (this is for internal use.)
- Enter a password for the account - this must be 8 to 16 characters long, contain at least one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter, one number, and not contain any special characters or symbols
- Confirm the Password.
- Click Add.
The user will be added, but you will still need to assign the access permissions for the user. Look for the newly added user and go to the far right of its listing.
- Click on "Action >Edit" to continue
Setting Up User Permissions Back to top
For each one of the administrator accounts you can specify which areas of the Administration Panel they will be allowed to go to. For example, you may have a login created for your Webmaster and you need to restrict them from accessing your customer's information. Alternately, you may want your sales staff personnel to have access to customers and orders, but not to design aspects of the site.
There are 3 predefined Permissions sets available at the top right of the page. These are:
- Webmaster
- Has access to the settings that control the look of the website and the Product Catalog.
- Does not have access to any Sales information or Customers accounts
- Sales Staff
- has access only to the store's orders information.
- Full Administrator permissions
- has access to all areas in the Administration panel.
Click on either of these permissions sets to add them to the user and Save
Note: You may also grant or limit access to certain areas of the Online Store Manager as needed by using the various checkboxes located on the bottom half of the page. However, please be aware of one specific checkbox labeled "Administrator Access" which will grant full access - regardless of which checkboxes are marked or unmarked.
For example, let's say you have a new user which is granted Full Admin Permissions. However you do not want them to have the ability to submit support tickets on your company's behalf from the Online Store Manager. For this situation, you would uncheck the "Administrator Access" and "Support Tickets" checkboxes and save your changes. The user will then be able to access all areas of the Online Store Manager as desired, but they will have the support ticket ability removed.
Security Questions (Optional)
Along with setting permissions for the user, you can also add an additional level of security by specifying Security Questions for the user.
To add your security questions, select a question from the available "Question 1" drop down, and use the text box immediately after it to provide the answer. Then, repeat these steps for all 3 security questions.
When requesting data information such as a password reset or unlock, the store will ask the user these questions.
In the next sections, we will discuss how to Delete users, Chenge User passwords when needed, and view the user's activity logs.
To delete a user from the Shift4Shop account:
- Go to Settings >General >Administrator Access
- Look to the far right of the user and click on the "Action >Delete" button to remove them.
Change Password of User Back to top
To change the password of an existing user:
- Go to Settings >General >Administrator Access
- Look to the far right of the user and click on the "Action >Edit" button.
- On the user's page, look to the top right and click on "Reset Password"
A password reset link will be sent to the user's email address on file. when they recieve this email they will be asked to enter their new password. Please be sure that the new password contains at least 8 to 16 characters, at least one CAPITAL letter, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one number. Special characters are also accepted.
Note: The password for each account needs to be changed every 90 days; the system will prompt the user for this when logging in. The password needs to be different than the last 5 passwords used.
If you have a Static IP with your current Internet Service Provider (ISP) then you can assign the IP Restriction to any of the accounts; this will only allow users from that IP address to login using the specific account credentials. Even with the correct username and password you won't be available to login from a different location. Remember that if your IP is dynamic then you cannot use this option, applying the IP restriction will lock you out of your account.
- Go to Settings >General >Administrator Access
- Look to the far right of the user and click on the "Action >Edit" button.
- Enter your connection's IP address in the "IP Restriction" field
Tip: You can also click on the "Click Here to fetch your current IP link. This will fetch your connection's IP for you and add it to the IP Restriction field.
- Click Save
At the top right of every user login page, you will see a button labeled "Log" (between "Reset Password" and "Save")
This button will allow you to view specific user activity on your account. This can be useful for monitoring or tracking changes which may have occurred on the site.
Additional Information Please note that logs may not appear immediately. They are also not stored permanently and will only be available for 7 days. Ensure you are gathering any information you may need before this period of time.