You can submit trouble tickets to support, billing and sales, right from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager!
To begin, log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and look towards the very bottom of the left hand navigation menu.
Once there, you will see three separate icons:
- The Question Mark Icon
This icon will open up the "Need Help" links to the various articles and instructions about the page you are viewing It is content specific, so if you are viewing a product page, the need help links will be product creation specifc.
- The Star Icon
This icon will add the page you are viewing to the "My Shortcuts" section of your Online Store Manager It is intended as a way to bookmark admin pages for quicker access if needed. Once you mark an admin page as a shortcut, you can find them grouped in the "My Shortcuts" menu found on the left hand navigation bar (directly below "Settings").
- The Dollar Sign Icon
This icon will open up your account's "My Billing" page which is where you can review your Shift4Shop Billing information and invoices.
Submitting a Ticket
To submit a ticket:
- Click on the Need Help icon to open up the need help links

- Then, look towards the top right of the help window and click on the "Open Ticket" link.

Tip As an alternative, you can also go to your main Dashboard page and look at the Support Widget and click on the "Open Ticket" button.

This will take you to a page where you can begin creating your support ticket. The store will automatically populate your email and name information (based on your admin login settings)
- Using the appropriate fields and options, select your ticket's Department (Support, Billing, Sales), Category, Priority and Problem Type.
Tip If you have multiple stores on your Shift4Shop account, you can select the specific domain from the "Service" drop down menu. The store will typically create the ticket based on the domain you happen to be logged into at the time, but perhaps your need is for another one of your accounts.
- Next, populate a summary of the issue for the ticket's subject line.
- Lastly, use the "Description" field to enter the specifics of your issue or request to be handled.
Based upon details of your ticket's wording and information, the support system will automatically suggest Knowledge Base Articles for your type of issue. If any of these apply and allow you to resolve your issue, you can abort the ticket and be on your way. However, if the suggested articles still do not assist you in your matter, you can submit the ticket and have it created instantly.
Upon submitting the ticket, the system will then assign and display a ticket number for you. Clicking on the ticket number itself will take you to the ticket listing right inside your Online Store Manager where you can review the ticket's activity.
When a reply is received, you can view them directly from the Online Store Manager.