Merchants have the ability to add a surcharge to specific payment methods using the following steps:
Note The surcharge on payment method feature is only compatible with payment gateways that use a radio button selector on your checkout pages. It is not compatible with payment methods that use a "Checkout With" type of button such as the following:
- Amazon Pay
- Google Pay
- Apple Pay
- Shopatron
- PayPal Express
- Klarna
Also note that it is only compatible on CORE themes.
To add a surcharge on your payment method:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Settings >Payment
- Click on the "Select Payment Methods" button
Additional Information These next steps assume that you've already set up your payment method gateway(s). If you have not set them up yet, please click here for information on how to complete those steps first.
- Locate your configured payment method and click on its respective "Advanced Settings" button/link
(On most payment methods, the advanced settings link is found within the action wheel at the far right of the method)
In the payment gateway's advanced settings popup, you will see a field labeled "Surcharge" at the bottom of the window. (If you do not see this field, then the payment method is not compatible with the surcharge feature)
- Enter your desired surcharge amount in the field
The surcharge can be either a flat dollar amount or a calculated percentage. If you'd like it to be calculated as a percentage, mark the "%" checkbox. This will apply the surcharge as a percentage of the order's subtotal.
- Click "Save"
At checkout - when the shopper is presented with your payment method(s) - a label will show them the surcharge amount that will be applied to their order.

Tip The surcharge label can be changed via Store Language
- Go to Settings >Design >Themes & Styles
- Once there, scroll down to the bottom and click on the edit button for "Store Language"
The caption is labeled surcharge-on
When the shopper selects the payment method, the surcharge will be applied to their order totals under "Additional Options." On the actual order, confirmation emails, and invoices, the surcharge will be shown as a line item with the ID as "SCGPMNYT"