How Do I Use Product Extra Fields? |
Each product in your Shift4Shop store has up to 13 Fields that can be used for additional information on the product page. These are called extra fields and they can be found within each product's Information tab. To access a product's extra fields:
When you click on a product from the Product List, you are shown directly to the product's Information Tab which includes the product's basic information, category assignments, pricing and general settings. While still on the information tab:
Underneath the Short Description and Keywords sections, you will see Field 1 through 13. These are the product's Extra Fields. How Are Extra Fields Used?As mentioned, the extra fields are intended for additional information that you may wish to display on the products. The following are some basic examples of how a store may wish to use the extra fields:
Basically any additional information that you may want to have on products to help augment the customer's shopping experience and decision making process. Additionally, products extra fields can be used for category sorting options and search parameters as well. Do I have to Populate All of the Extra Fields with information?No. If a product's field does not have any information on it, it will simply not appear on the product page. This can be beneficial if you have a mixture of products that may not share the same features as the rest. For example, in the Jewelry store example cited above, one of the example fields is stone cut. But if a specific product doesn't have a stone setting, there's no need to display the cut used. Therefore, in that example, the merchant would leave the used field blank so that it doesn't display on the specific product. How do the Extra Fields Appear on the Store Front?Extra Fields 1 through 5 will appear on the product page as a simple bulleted list. They typically will appear below the product's pricing information. These fields will accept either text or basic HTML (i.e. Bold, Italic, Font color: etc). Extra Fields 6 through 13 however will appear as individual tabs in the Product's Description area. Furthermore, these extra fields can use more advanced HTML and the fields can be edited with the built in WYSIWYG editor in the store. Typically these fields are used for more informative displays on the product such as sizing charts or things that may require images. How Can I Rename the Extra Fields?By default, the Fields on the product page are labeled "Feature:" on the store's product page. You can rename them globally to match your needs in the Store Language page. While in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
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