Knowledgebase: Products

How Can I Add a Video Gallery to my Products?


Beginning with version 9.1, Shift4Shop stores on the Plus plan (or higher) can add multiple videos to each product in the form of a video gallery. The following instructions will show you how.

The function described here is for Shift4Shop 9.1 stores on the Plus plan (or higher). Lower end plans that do not have the video gallery feature available can use this section to embed one video onto the product's image carousel. Click here for more information on that function.

Also, please note that the Video Gallery function is applicable only to CORE themes.

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Products >Product List
  3. Locate the product you'd like to add a Video Gallery to, and click on its thumbnail image or name
  4. Next, go to the product's Images tab
  5. Once you're in the Images tab, scroll down towards the bottom of the page and look for the "Videos" section
  6. Within the Videos section, click on the "Add Video" button

  1. Enter the URL of the video you are adding to the Video Gallery and click the "Add video from Web" button.

When copying your YouTube video URL, please make sure that the URL only contains the main video path which is typically something like this:[VIDEO_ID]

This is known as the video's WATCH URL and it is the URL that should be used for the store's product page. You can typically copy the WATCH URL simply by copying the path on the address bar (while you're watching the video) or otherwise, click on the SHARE button and copy the URL provided. This will ensure you are copying the the correct URL

Any URL that does not follow the above format may cause errors upon playback or not even play at all from your product page.

Examples of non-compatible URLs include

  • Embedded iframe URL:[VIDEO_ID]
  • URL with object parameters:[VIDEO_ID]?fs=1&hl=en_US
  • Video URL from a playlist:[VIDEO_ID]=[PLAYLIST_ID]

Also note that videos listed as private on YouTube will not display, since they require permission from the video owner to be viewed.

Repeat steps 6 & 7 for each video that you'd like to add.

While the video function was intended to work with YouTube URLs, you can also embed video from other sources if you'd like (wistia, vimeo, etc). As long as you have the video's path/URL, you can place it in the URL field as needed.

When viewing the product page, visitors can click on the Video playback button, which will open up a modal popup window that contains your video gallery. Users can then view each video in the gallery as needed.

Be aware that the product video gallery URLs cannot be updated via CSV upload. That is a function that is limited to the regular product video feature which only plays one video per product.

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