How do I use the Multiple Store Admin Login Feature? |
Beginning with Shift4Shop Version 9.1, Merchants with multiple Shift4Shop stores can now easily switch back and forth between each of their Online Store Managers. Note Adding a New Store AccessTo connect one OSM login with your other store, follow these steps:
Once you're logged in, look towards the top left corner and you will see a drop down menu that contains your current store's name and web address
Next, you'll be taken to an API authorization page to grant access to the second site.
Upon logging in, you will be taken back to your first store where you'll be able to switch to the newly added admin. To switch to the New Store:
When you get to the second store, be sure to repeat the steps above to connect the second store with the first. This way, you'll be able to switch freely back and forth between each. Additional Information If you do not have access permission to a particular page on one of the admin interfaces, you may see access permission errors during the switch. Removing A Store's Multi Admin Login AccessTo remove a store from the multiple admin login feature, simply click on the trash can icon listed for each store in the drop down. Just be sure to repeat the process for each store that is connected to the site you're removing as well as that site's reciprocate login. | |