Why Are My Orders Sometimes Showing Cloudflare IP Addresses Instead Of My Customer's IP? |
Although Shift4Shop uses Cloudflare to manage and protect our DNS and network, some merchants have also set up their own account on Cloudflare in the past to protect their site. In some cases, merchants using their own Cloudflare account have reported that IP addresses on certain orders are not reflective of the customer's true IP address but rather the cloudflare proxy. If you are experiencing this issue on your orers and you use Cloudflare independently from Shift4Shop, (i.e. You have your own CF account that you use), it is likely because Cloudflare is sending IPv6 information in the order headers rather than IPv4. To correct this, simply configure your Cloudflare Account Settings to use IPv4 in the headers. The following article on Cloudflare will show you how to do this: Pseudo IPv4 - Supporting IPv6 addresses in legacy IPv4 applications | |