The Store Search Advanced add-on (Available on Pro Plans and Higher; including the Free End-to-End eCommerce Plan) will allow you to provide faceted searches on your store front. When a user performs a search via keyword and multiple results are shown, the store will display filters on the page which can be used to drill down the number of results.
If your store has the Store Search Advanced module installed, you can use the following steps to set it up.
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Once the page loads, use the search bar at the top to locate the "Store Search - Advanced" module.
Notes Regarding the Regular Search Module Be sure you do not confuse this module with the regular "Store Search" module when searching for the app in your store. However, be aware that - in order for this module to work - you will need to have the regular Store Search module enabled. Furthermore, be aware that the Store Search Advanced option will not work well with the Categories Search and Pages Search functionality of the regular Store Search module as these two extra features are not compatible with the Store Search Advanced function.
- Once you have located the module, click on the "Advanced Change Settings" link
You will be presented with a page that contains the following sections:
General Settings
- Enable front-end advanced search
Mark this checkbox to enable the module on the store front.
Available Search Filters
Each of these parameters may be toggled in order to offer filtering of the search results to your front end user.
- Price
Marking this checkbox will allow users to filter their search results by price range. The setting will adhere to the same price ranges set in the store's "Browse by Price" functionality.
- Free Shipping
This checkbox will allow users to filter the search results based on whether they are marked as free shipping or not.
- On Sale
This checkbox will let users filter their search results based on whether the items are marked as on Sale or not.
- Manufacturer
Marking this checkbox will designate the product manufacturers as a filter for the search results
- Categories
With this checkbox marked, search results can be further refined by the product categories
- Reviews
This checkbox will allow the user to further filter the results based on the product's average review ratings. (Note: Be sure to have reviews enabled on the store if you plan on using this filter!)
Search Indexing
- Rebuild Index
Click on this link to index your site's products with the selected filter parameters.
Note Depending on the size of your store and the number of products in your catalog, the indexing rebuilding process may take up to 30 minutes.
Also note that - when updating product prices - the search results will not reflect price changes immediately. Instead, they will display after the update script runs and re-indexes the products in a process that can take 10 minutes or more; depending on the size of your catalog.
You can also use this section to view when your Index was last updated.
On the Store Front
As users search by keywords on your store, they will be presented with the results of their search. Along the left hand side of the search results page, they will see the filters you have enabled.
As each filter is clicked by the user, the results will update to show the results of the selected filter(s). This will allow the user to drill down their search results even further.
As filters are employed, the user will have a section at the top of the filter list showing their applied filters. Each applied filter will then have an [X] that can be clicked on to remove the filter as needed.