How Do I Integrate my Store with Drip? |
Shift4Shop's integration with Drip makes it easy for you to send subscriber information from your Shift4Shop store to your Drip account. Once there, the subscribers can be included in your Drip campaigns and broadcasts. You can integrate your Shift4Shop store with Drip using the following steps: Note
You will be presented with a page that contains a button to initiate the onboarding process. This button will be used to connect your Shift4Shop store to your respective Drip account.
A small popup window will appear with fields for your Drip login email and password.
The page will now ask you to Grant access to the Shift4Shop application. If you have multiple accounts set up on your Drip login (for multiple websites), select the applicable account from the "Choose an account..." drop down menu
After you've completed the onboarding process described above, the module page will refresh with the following settings:
What is Synchronized? When marking the "Synch Subscribers" checkbox, the Shift4Shop store will send over its mailing list subscriber information. This includes customer records that are actively subscribed to your mailing list as well as site visitors who have chosen to subscribe to your mailing list (but might not necessarily have a customer record yet). Furthermore, when a purchase is made on your store by one of the synchronized email addresses, your store will also send this info to Drip as an "event" denoting that they've made a purchase and the order's basic details (Order number, product, etc) When marking the "Synch Shopper Activity" checkbox, the store will send the following activity details to your Drip account. This includes:
Along the right hand side of the page, you will see your store's Synchronization Status indicating how many mailing list subscribers have been sent to your Drip account. When selecting the Shopper Activity option, the page will display this information as well. Please note that the shopper activity information will fluctuate as the script runs - due to the activity updating. (i.e. carts being completed, new orders appearing, etc.) Disconnecting the IntegrationIf you have any need to disable the integration, simply click on the "Disconnect" button located at the top right of the page to clear out the onboarding process. | |