Knowledgebase: Settings

How do I edit my information on the 'Contact Us' page?


Your Contact Us page will contain contact information for your store.

Most of the information contained in the Contact Us page can be set/edited in your store's Merchant Information Section. This section will also control the Store's Merchant information when seen in the Order Invoices.

Merchant Information

  1. Go to Settings >General >Store Settings
  2. Click on the "Store" tab
  3. Scroll down to the "Merchant Information" section of the page.

To edit your Contact Us Information, you will need to populate the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2 - secondary address if/when applicable. (i.e. suite, building number, etc)
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Phone

The rest of the fields in the Merchant Information section will be reflected only in your order emails and invoices.

When specifying an email address, please be sure to use an email specific to your domain with Shift4Shop. External email services like gmail and hotmail addresses should not be used.

How do I edit my Store Name on the Contact Us page?

The "Store Name" heading in the Contact Us page is set/edited in the same area as described above, but in "Store Information" portion of the page.

Header & Footer

You can also access the header and footer of the contact us page by going to the Titles & Content section of your store:

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left-hand navigation menu, go to Content >Site Content
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Edit" button located beneath "Titles & Content"

Look under "Main Pages" and select the Contact Us page to edit its header and footer as needed.

HTML Editing

Although it is not recommended, you may also edit the Contact Us page's HTML template to further fine-tune the page's layout.

Please Note
The information below is provided solely as a courtesy and to offer basic information on making changes to your store's HTML templates.

Please understand that - regardless of how simple or complex the changes may be - HTML changes and troubleshooting fall outside the scope of our support department. The Shift4Shop support team is neither trained, qualified, nor allowed to make these changes for you. The boundary of our scope in this matter is limited to providing these instructions and helping you reset the template if the changes don't work as you wanted.

If you are uncomfortable with making changes to your site's HTML, please contact your sales representative and inquire about our HTML and design services which can make these changes for you.

Thank you for your understanding

The template that is used on for the Contact Us page is called contact_us.html and it can be found your store's template editor in the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager:

  1. Go to Settings >Design >Themes & Styles
  2. Click on the "Open Template Editor" button found under "Edit Template"
  3. Then, select your common folder from the "Go to Folder" dropdown menu to browse the HTML templates.

As an alternative, you can also access the common files from the web/assets/templates/common folder via FTP.

Additional Information:
There are additional variables which can be added to the Contact Us page's template in order to show things such as your store's Alternate phone and Fax numbers if desired.

The following is a list of the available variables which are already present on the template and where their respective values are entered in the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager's Settings >General >Merchant Information page:

  • [store_address1] - Address1
  • [store_address2] - Address2
  • [store_city] - City
  • [store_state] - State
  • [store_zip] - Zip
  • [store_country] - Country
  • [store_phone] - Phone

These next variables are not present on the default template, and may be added as needed.

  • [store_phone2] - Alternate Phone
  • [store_fax] - Fax
  • [store_email] - Email
  • [store_url] - URL

Special Note:
Many of our Merchants have physical locations as well as online stores. Therefore, the contact us page will also contain a link labeled "Get Directions" which will open up a Google Map of your store's locale. However, if your business is only online, you can remove this link by editing the contact_us.html template.

Simply look for the following HTML code in the template and remove it:

<a href="[store_address1]+[store_city]+[store_state]+[store_zip]" target="_self">Get Directions</a>

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