
How Do I Add Logos To My Store?


There are two basic ways of adding your business logo to your Shift4Shop store

Method 1
Using the Store Logo section

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Settings >General >Store Settings.

Look under the Store Information section, and you will see a field labeled "Store Logo" with a "Browse" link underneath it

  1. Click on the "Browse" link to open up your store's File Manager
  2. If you've already uploaded your logo image, browse to it in the file manager and select it.
    (Otherwise, click on the "+Upload Files" button at the top right to upload your logo for selection.)
  3. After selecting your logo image, click on the "Save" button at the top right to set your change.

Additional Information
If no logo is specified on your store, your pages will display the information listed in the "Store Name" and "Store Slogan" fields above the "Store Logo" field. If a logo is specified though, the Store Name and Slogan will not be displayed.

However, even though they're not being displayed, keep in mind that the store name and slogan are sill used for other areas of your store such as confirmation emails and page titles.

Invoice Logo

While adding your store logo in this section, look to the right hand side of the page for the "Invoice Logo" field.

This field can be used to specify a logo image for your store's invoices and confirmation emails. It can be the same logo as your store logo or a different file if necessary. (For sizing and/or color considerations)

Click here for more information on changing your Invoice logo

Method 2
Using the store's Global Header

The second way to add a logo to your store is by using the store's Global Header.

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Content > Header & Footer

The Global Header section will allow you to add either raw HTML code or WYSIWYG formatting to add design elements to the top of every page. This functionality can be used to add a logo

Just be sure to enable the global header after you've made your changes by clicking the toggle switch found along the top left of it.
(On=Green, Off=White)

Similar to the way the store logo will override the Store Name and Store Slogan display, enabling the Global Header will itself override the Store Logo.

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