How do I use Shift4Shop's Quickbooks Web Connector Plugin? |
Welcome to the Quickbooks Web Connector Plugin for Shift4Shop! The next generation of the Quickbooks plugin uses the built-in Quickbooks Web Connector to communicate with your Shift4Shop store. All PC versions of Quickbooks 2008 and above should come with the Quickbooks Web Connector. The Web Connector is launched as a separate application alongside Quickbooks and it uses a QWC file to connect and communicate with your Shift4Shop store. The steps below will walk you through that process. Please Note
At present, the Quickbooks Web Connector 2.0 will not work with Mac versions of Quickbooks. This is due to the fact that Intuit does not currently have a Mac compatible version of the Web Connector needed for the process. Step 1 – Setting up Shift4Shop to connect to QuickbooksLog into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and - using the left hand navigation menu:
Since you have not yet set up the Quickbooks Web Connector Plugin, you will see a simple page with a password field.
This password will only be used by Quickbooks Web Connector to communicate with your Shift4Shop store. For this guide we will use the password, “test”
This will generate a file that your browser should begin to download. The file will be called “3dcartqb.qwc” and will go to your computer's default download folder. Tip Remember that the Quickbooks Web Connector is a separate program that must be launched after Quickbooks is already opened. Generally you can double-click the 3dcartqb.qwc file and the Web Connector should launch by default. But if that doesn’t work, you can go to File >Add Application in the Web Connector and it will let you manually select the 3dcartqb.qwc file. Once selected, the Web Connector will display security pop-up asking you if you want to authorize Quickbooks to communicate with your Shift4Shop store. You must click "OK" for this to work. A second pop-up from Quickbooks will also open and ask for Authorization. You can select anything here besides No. For this example, we’ll use “Yes, Always” so we are not prompted any further. After bypassing these prompts, the Web connector will show your new application. If you’re using the Web Connector for other 3rd party applications, it will be added to the list.
In the next step when we run the application, this will tell the Web Connector to run this one specifically. Next we will run and execute the Web Connector. To do this, please make sure the checkbox is checked to the left of the application in the Quickbooks Web Connector (as shown above)
This will pull your data from Quickbooks to Shift4Shop. The data pulled is:
You should now see a different screen than previously (if you do not, please refresh the page). The page will contain the same password field as before, but you will also see a new section along the bottom labeled "Quickbooks Settings" with a series of tabs along the top. Note Using the various tabs, go through the Inventory, Taxes, Payment, Customer, and Transaction tabs and select appropriate accounts for each area. Remember, that the accounts listed in the drop down menus are all being pulled from your Quickbooks application. QuickBooks Settings TabsIn this next section of the article, we'll go over the various settings found in the tabs. In the Inventory Tab (mentioned above), you will have the following additional settings and options to mark as needed:
In the Taxes tab, you will find this selectable option
In the Payment Tab, you will see these options
The Customer Tab will contain this option
The Transaction Tab will have these options and settings:
Important Export SettingsThe very last tab will be the section where you'll configure your export settings. This area will be used to control how the data from your Shift4Shop store is exported to your Quickbooks program and how it is treated after export. Your settings in this section are as follows:
That’s it! Just click Save in the top right to commit your changes. Unless you want to adjust accounts or the order export settings, you’re done in the Shift4Shop admin. The process of exporting to Quickbooks is now all done via the Web Connector. Step 2 – Using the Web ConnectorNow that you have Quickbooks open, the web connector loaded, and all of the settings correct in the Shift4Shop Store Admin, all you have to do is select the application on the Web Connector, and click Update Selected. In the illustration above, the Quickbooks WebService is selected and then we Click Update Selected. Orders then are populated from the store to your Quickbooks Application Addtional Information Important Information Regarding Product UpdatesEditing Products When editing imported product attributes (such as cost, price, etc) it is usually best to edit the items in Quickbooks and then synchronize them to the store. If a product is edited on the store after it has already been synchronized to Quickbooks, then the updates will not reflect properly. Synchronizing Inventory Although inventory is typically synchronized from your store to your Quickbooks records, the Quickbooks web connector does have the ability to synchronize inventory from items that you have in Quickbooks to the Shift4Shop store. However, there are two limitations to this ability.
If the item was modified outside of that range, the the Web Connector will not update it on your store. | ||||