The eBay listing module allows you to list your Shift4Shop store's products directly on eBay where the products may be auctioned or bought outright using eBay's Buy it Now options. Furthermore, as your products are ordered on eBay, the orders can be sent to your Shift4Shop store's Online Store manager where you can process the orders from one centralized location.
Note Due to restrictions from eBay, orders imported to your store (from eBay) are not able to trigger your Shift4Shop store's order alert notification emails.
The integration does have the ability to send script synchronization emails - which can be used to view when synchronization occurs and if any orders were brought in. However, be aware that this email is sent each time the synchronization script runs (once every hour), so it can fill up an inbox rather quickly.
The procedure of listing your Shift4Shop store items on eBay involves first granting access to eBay's API from your store. Then, after API access has been given, you will create a special listing template that will be used to display your items on eBay. Finally, you will designate which items to list on eBay, how long they will be available, and how much they will sell or begin bidding for.
Tip Before integrating your Shift4Shop store with your eBay seller account, please be sure to list at least one item on your eBay account independently from the Shift4Shop store. The reason for this is that eBay requires some additional information from you to fully create your seller account before our integration will work completely. This will only be necessary if you are brand new to eBay and have just opened a new Seller Account with them.
This article will help you set up the eBay listing integration.
This article contains the following sections. Please click on a link below to review its respective topic.
The integration between your Shift4Shop store and eBay is made possible through a special API app created for Shift4Shop users. The first step in the process of integrating your store is to grant the necessary API access to your eBay account.
Note You should first have your eBay account created prior to enabling the module on your Shift4Shop store.
To begin, follow these steps:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top and search for eBay to view the module
When the module appears, click on the settings button. You will see a series of links listed. If you have not yet granted API access, clicking on either of these links will take you to a page with a button labeled "Grant Access."
- At the top left of the page, select the eBay environment you would like to use. (*See Additional Information below)
- Click on the Grant Access button
You will now be redirected to the eBay login page.
*Additional Information In the "Grant Access" page, you will also see a dropdown menu labeled "Select the environment." This menu will allow you to configure your store's integration while using either:
- eBay's sandbox environment API
useful for placing initial tests before going live with the full integration as no fees are involved.
- Production environment
The live eBay API which connects to your live eBay account. Be aware that while using this envorinment, your listings may incur charges from eBay.
This is optional, but we recommend first creating a sandbox account for yourself and then having this selected while setting up your store for the eBay integration for the first time (while following this article) as it will not incur any charges to you as a buyer or seller. After your initial set up, you can uncheck the box and re-grant access; this time to eBay's production API; when you're ready to go live with the integration.
If you are interested in creating an eBay sandbox login, you will first need to register for their developer program (it's free!) and use that registration to create your sandbox users. We recommend creating at least two separate sandbox users so that you have one that will act as the seller and the other login to act as the buyer.
Important For additional help in setting up the eBay Sandbox account, please review eBay's documentation by clicking here. This will take you to a step by step document that outlines the process of registering as a developer, creating and using the sandbox. The first three topics of the document will cover the instructions needed.
- Log into your (sandbox or production) eBay account.
You will see a page on the eBay interface allowing you to grant the access. Click "Agree" to continue and you'll be returned to your Shift4Shop Admin.
You have successfully granted access to eBay's API from your store.
Note Be aware that if you initially set the integration for Sandbox mode, you will need to re-grant access to production mode when ready to go live. Your additional settings for the integration will remain the same, only the environment will change from sandbox to production.
Configuring Your Store's eBay Settings Back to top
Here, we will go over your basic module settings. Once access to eBay's API has been granted, your eBay settings page will refresh with additional options to toggle. However, if you need to revisit the page later, use the following steps.
From your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager:
- Use the left hand navigation menu and go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top to search for "eBay" and view the module
- Click on the "Change Settings" link
You will see a page with the following sections:
eBay Account Integration
At the top of the page you will see the Authentication Status and its validity, its expiration and the last time synchronization of your integration took place. You can also click on the "Perform a check" link to synchronize the integration on demand.
Additional Information Below the authentication information, you will have an area labeled "Reset eBay integration" with a "Reset" link next to it. Clicking this reset link will let you disable the integration module altogether and clear all of your API tokens; effectively resetting all of your Shift4Shop/eBay integration options.
On the right-hand side of the eBay Account Integration section, you'll see an area called "Settings" with a series of checkboxes. These are:
- Enable eBay integration
Turn on the eBay integration for your store's products.
- Allow stock to be updated when listing on eBay
If checked, this setting will remove the quantity of items listed on eBay from your Shift4Shop store's inventory. In other words, if you have 10 units on hand of a particular item in your store, and you list 3 of them on eBay, this checkbox will update your store's inventory to reflect 7 units on hand, since 3 of them are designated for listing on eBay.
- Enable eBay Motors Listings
Use this setting if you will be listing items on the eBay Motors service for car parts.
- Send synchronization results to e-mail
Use this field to specify the email address to which syncronization logs will be sent to. Syncronization occurs aproxmiately once every hour.
eBay Orders Management
The next section of the page will contain settings for how your eBay orders are managed on the Shift4Shop store.
- Get all eBay orders
Select this option if you would like all of your eBay orders to be transfered to the Shift4Shop store. Leaving the box unchecked will only import eBay orders for products you are listing from the Shift4Shop store.
- Consider eBay Orders in Sales Reports
This checkbox will factor in eBay orders as part of your Shift4Shop store's built-in sales reporting. Be aware that this setting will correlate with the preceeding setting of getting all orders from eBay.
Note If you select the option to "get all eBay orders" described above, upon your initial set up of the eBay integration, your Shift4Shop will only pull the previous 90-days worth of orders.
- Set the order Date to the date the order is marked as Paid on eBay
This checkbox will set the imported order's date to the date when it was marked as "Paid" on eBay
Below the these checkbox options, you will see a link labeled:
- Manage Payment Methods Mapping
Clicking this link will display a pop up window with eBay payment options on one side and your store's payment methods on the other. This window allows you to map the payment methods used on orders coming from eBay, and assign (or "Map") them to your Shift4Shop store's payment methods for reporting and visuals.
Additional Information Without this payment method mapping, the orders coming from eBay will appear with the payment method as blank. Therefore, the sole purpose of this mapping function is to allow you the ability to have the orders' payment methods mapped to something. It can be an offline payment method that you create specifically for eBay orders or a generic payment module not used on your normal Shift4Shop orders.
Keep in mind that this will not affect or incur transactional charges from your payment gateway. The orders are essentially paid for because they were purchased on eBay; but for your Shift4Shop's internal reports, you may wish to have something present to reflect the payment that was "used" on your store.
Finally, below the mapping link, you will see a small text field labeled:
- Use this Prefix for eBay orders
This allows you to specify a special prefix that will be used on orders being imported from eBay for reference. For example, your store's regular orders may be listed with ab-1234 as the order number, but you'd like your eBay orders to be something like eBay-AB-1235, etc. In this case, you'd enter the prefix as "eBay-"
eBay Store
If you have an actual eBay store, this next section will allow you to pull category structure data and information from that store to your Shift4Shop store. This can be useful if you would like to have your Shift4Shop store's category structure match the categories in your eBay store.
Tip When making changes to your categories and settings on the eBay store, be sure to click on the Refresh link under your eBay store's information to import those changes to the Shift4Shop store.
Header & Footer
These two areas will let you add a header and/footer to your product descriptions when the items are listed on eBay. For example, a logo or some sort of reference to your Shift4Shop store.
Both the header and footer windows can be populated with raw HTML code, or you can use WYSIWYG to format things more easily.
Once you have toggled your necessary settings, click "Save" at the top.
eBay Listing Templates Back to top
The next portion of the process involves setting up your eBay product's listing template which is a set of variables that will be used by the eBay listing. During this process, you will configure a series of settings that allow you to control how the product will be viewed on the eBay site, the purchasing and shipping options it uses and several other factors. When designating products to be included on eBay, you will use the created template to display it on eBay's pages.
To begin creating an eBay listing template, follow these steps.
From your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager:
- Use the left hand navigation menu and go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top and search for "eBay" to locate and view the module.
- Click on the "Listing Templates" link
- Click "+ Add New" at the top right of the page to begin creating a new eBay Listing template.
- Name your template (this will be a name that is easily referenced for when you assign it to individual products)
- Select the eBay Web Site that the product listing will be used on
When selecting the eBay web site to use for the template, some additional settings will appear below the name and web site selectors. These settings are:
- Hide the bidder's user id on list
Marking the "Yes" checkbox will hide bidder usernames from being listed on the item when bids are placed.
- Make this the default template
Select this checkbox if you'd like to make this the default template selection for all of your products when it comes time to list them.
Below these two checkboxes, you will see a section where you can set the eBay categories where your products (using this listing) can be found.
- Primary eBay Category
Click the "Change" link to specify the primary eBay Category taxonomy that the products using this template will use. This will help eBay users find your products easier.
- Secondary eBay Category
(optional) Click the "Change" link to specify the secondary eBay Category taxonomy that the products using this template will use. (If using eBay Motors, only the primary eBay category will be allowed.)
Additional Information When selecting the categories, you will see the categories and sub-categories listed in red. Clicking on each red category will open up its sub-category structure and so on until you see the final category listed in blue. This category (in blue) is known as the Leaf category.
Be sure to click all the way through and select the leaf category for your selection.
- Use eBay variations
This setting will only come up for certain eBay categories and it will affect the way products with Advanced Options are listed on eBay.
- If marked "Yes" then the product will be listed as one product with each advanced option related to a variation on eBay
- If not marked, each advanced option will be listed as its own individual product on eBay.
- Listing Duration
Select the number of days the listing will be active on eBay.
- Measurement System (Only if listing on or
Select whether product measurements will reflect Metric or Standard measurement units.
After setting and selecting the above configuration option, you will be done with the general settings of the listing template. You should also see a series of tabs at the top of the page for Specifics, Pricing, Payment, etc.
Next we'll describe these tabs and the settings found within them.
This tab will contain a series of item specifics and variantions that you can select for the eBay listing.
Tip If the Specifics Tab is blank, there's no need to worry. It just means that the particular eBay category that you selected does not have or need variants specified for listing on eBay.
The Specifics Tab will be split into two halves. At the top you will set Item Specifics and at the bototm you will set Variations.
Item Specifics will usually be things like Brand and country of manufacturer.
For Specifics, your selection choices will be either specifics from eBay or those present on the product in your Shift4Shop store from the various custom fields.
Variations will typically be things like options and features of the item.
For Variations, your selection choices will be either variants directly from eBay or those present on the product in your Shift4Shop store from your store's product option tables.
Note that the Shift4Shop store variations will be based on options set for all products on your store - meaning that all of your store's option sets will be listed when selecting variations from your Shift4Shop store. In other words, if you have some products that use color option sets as well as other products that use size option sets, they will all be listed in the "Use Cart" set of variations.
When it comes time to list the actual items however, you will have the ability to specify which option sets are used for the product.
Important If you plan on using Specifics and Variants for the listing, please be aware of the following requirements and restrictions
- Auction Pricing is not possible with Variants and Specifics - Only "Buy it Now" pricing will be possible
- If Shift4Shop Specifics are used, they will also need to be listed as "Advanced Options" on the individual product level.
- The advanced options will require that a code be specified in its Advanced Options settings as well.
- Some specifications are strictly enforced by eBay - depending on the category chosen for the template. These will be labeled as such with a note specifying "eBay's option enforced"
- You can still use your store's options for these enforced variants, but they will need to be named identical to eBay's naming of the variation.
The Pricing Tab will let you set how the template will list pricing for its assigned items when listing them on eBay.
The drop down labeled "Select the pricing method" will let you select whether products using this template will be available for "Auction" or "Buy it Now" purchase.
The following configuration options will be listed when selecting the "Auction" method.
- Starting Price
These settings are available to set the Starting Bid price on items using this template.
- Reserve Price
Settings in this section are available to set the bidding's Reserve price which is a minimum bid amount you can designate on products using this template. If the item's reserve is not met during bidding, the seller is under no obligation to sell the item. Buyers will not see the reserve price. Rather, they will see if/when the reserve is met.
- Buy it Now Price
As part of the Auction pricing method, you can also designate "Buy it Now" pricing options which allow eBay users to purchase the item outright instead of bidding on it.
Each of the pricing methods listed above will have the following options available:
- Same Price
This will set the product's price to the same as the product's current pricing on your Shift4Shop store (at the time of listing). If the item is on sale, it will be listed with the sale price. However, this does not update the price back and forth if a price change is made on your store
- Product Price
The product's current price on your Shift4Shop store with variables (plus or minus) a specific amount or percent.
- Product Cost
The product's current cost on your Shift4Shop store with variables (plus or minus) a specific amount or percent.
- This Price
Use this to designate a specific price.
Note For Auction Pricing, Starting Pricing is required. Reserve Price and Buy it Now pricing are optional.
Please also be aware that the Starting price must be lower than the Reserve Price. Furthermore, the Buy it Now price must be at least 30% over your starting price.
Buy it Now:
The Buy it Now pricing method is available if you'd like to have the eBay product listing available for only direct purchase instead of bidding/auction. The settings for this method are the same as listed for the "Buy it Now option under Auction.
Note If you have configured this template with variants or product specifics selected (in the "Specifics" tab) you will need to use only "Buy It Now" pricing as Auction Pricing is not available.
This Payment tab will let you specify which payment methods will be available to the eBay user when bidding on or purchasing your item
Payment Methods Pleace a mark in each method you'd like to use on the product listing.
- PayPal
- ProPay
- Moneybookers
- Visa or Master Card
- Discover Card
- American Express
Note For PayPal, Simply specify your PayPal email address to have payment posted to your PayPal account.
The checkbox to the right of the email field can be checked if you would like to have the buyer pay for the order immediately or if you'd like to charge them only after winning the bid.
Payment Description Here you can enter a description of your Payment Methods or details for eBay users as to how payment/ordering will be handled.
Additional Information In regards to charging Tax on orders, please be aware that the tax rules will be set on the eBay account's side of the equation using eBay's tax tables.
More information on using their tax tables can be found by clicking here.
Use the Shipping tab to specify your shipping options for the eBay listing of products using this template.
First, at the top of the page you will have these options:
- Handling Time
Select your average order handling time. This information will be factored into the eBay listing's order delivery estimates.
- Don't Ship To
This checkbox is used to designate locations that you do NOT wish to ship to. When marking the checkbox, you will be given the options of selecting regions and individual locations within those regions which your listing will not ship to. If the eBay purchaser has a primary shipping address to any of the selected locations, eBay will block the sale.
Next you will have your Domestic Shipping Options:
- Domestic Shipping
Select your Domestic Shipping calculation methods.
- Flat - same cost to all buyers
Using this method you can select various shipping methods that will be used for the order and specify a flat rate for each - regardless of where the domestic destination is.
- Calculated - Cost Varies by Buyer Location: Using this method, you can select services that will be used and the shipping calculation will be handled by eBay depending on where the domestic destination is.
- Package Type
When selecting a calculated shipping cost, an additional drop down mindow will appear beneath your "Handling time" option above. Use this to select the type of packaging the order will use when calculated by eBay. For example, Large Envelope, Package, Large Package, etc.
- Handling Cost
Enter your domestic handling costs. This field is an eBay requirement.
Note Please be aware of the shipping limitations and requirements for the selected shipping carrier since this information will be applied to the product. For example, USPS First Class Package has a weight limit of 13oz, and your product dimensions - when using this template - must fall within this range.
- International Shipping
If you are willing to accept international orders, select the method you would like to use for product using this template.
- No International Shipping
Disables orders to International Addresses.
- eBay's Global Shipping Program
Calculation is done by eBay using their international methods
- Flat - same cost to all buyers
Using this method you can select various shipping methods that will be used for the order and specify a flat rate for each - regardless of where the international destination is.
- Calculated - Cost Varies by Buyer Location
Using this method, shipping calculation will be handled by eBay depending on where the international destination is.
Note For these last two International Methods, you will need to specify either Worldwide locations or a specific area.
- Handling Cost
If setting up for International Shipping, you will also have the field where you will need to enter your international shipping handling costs. This field is an eBay requirement.
In the Other Tab, you will have the ability to specify additional settings for the eBay product listing(s).
Item Condition Set the condition of the items you will be listing with this template. Your choices are:
- New
Items are brand new in original packaging.
- New other (See details)
Items are new with other conditional specifications. The details of which can be included in the text box below this section.
- Manufacturer Refurbished
Items have been refurbished or repaired by their respective manufacturers.
- Seller Refurbished
Items have been refurbished or repoaried by the merchant selling the items.
- Used
Items are being sold in used condition.
- For parts or not working
Items are not functional and only being sold for spare parts or other details.
As mentioned above, the area beneath the item condition area is an open text box in which details of the product's condition can be listed and displayed.
Return Policy Specify your eBay seller return policy. Your choices are:
- Returns accepted
You are willing to accept returns and exchanges you can set the Return Policy to this and configure additional return settings.
- No returns accepted
All sales are final and no returns or exchanges will be honored
Block Buyers Who This last section allows you to block buyers who meet certain ineligibility requirements. Your options here are:
- Don't have a PayPal Account
Check this box to prevent non-PayPal account holders from bidding or purchasing the eBay listed item(s) using this template:
- Have received [x] unpaid item case(s) within [y] month(s)
Use the provided drop down menus to set your variables.
- Have [x] policy violation report(s) within [y]
Use the provided drop down menus to set your variables.
- Have a feedback score equal to or lower than [x]
Use the provided drop down menus to set your variable.
- Have bid on or bought my items within the last 10 days and met my limit of [x]
Use the provided drop down menus to set your variable.
- Only apply this block to buyers who have a feedback score equal to or lower than [x]
Use the provided drop down menus to set your variable.
Listing Enhancement Tab Back to top
This Listing Enhancement tab will allow you to enhance the eBay listing product by allowing you to select the following options:
- Use Sub-Title
Include the item's short description on the listing (Short description must be up to 53 characters.)
- BoldTitle
Take the title of the page (product name) and display it in Bold text.
Note These enahancements will incur additional fees from eBay.
Once you are done with your Listing Template Settings, click "Save" at the top right to store the information. If there are any missing parameters, the store will warn you of what may be missing, so you can correct it and save the template fully.
Now that your Listing Template Variables are set, the next steps in our process will be to select individual items for listing on eBay.
Tip You may have a wide range of products that are present in many different categories, or perhaps you'd like to have different pricing and purchasing schemes for similar items. Therefore, you can create as many templates as you'd like or need for your store. For the purposes of this tutorial however, we'll just create the one template and proceed with the next steps.
Listing Products on eBay Back to top
By now, you should have your store's global eBay settings configured and at least one eBay listing template created. The next step in the process is to list your desired items on eBay.
To list your products, please use the following steps.
From your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Use the left hand navigation menu and go to Products >Product List
- Locate the product that you'd like to list and click on its thumbnail, ID or name to open it up
Tip If you have a large store, you can use the search bar (and its Advanced button) at the top to search for specific products, categories, and/or manufacturer/distributors
- In the product's "Information" tab, scroll down to the new "eBay Listing" section located right above the Extended Description
- Click on the button labeled "List on eBay" to proceed.
Additional Information In the eBay Listing section, you will see a section labeled "Active Listings" along with a numbered link which will take you to the eBay Listing manager (filtered automatically) for the product if it is already listed.
You will also see a drop down for the "HTML Listing template" used for the product's eBay listing.
This HTML listing template is not to be confused with the eBay listing template created in the previous portion of this article. That particular "template" contains the variables that your store will use for the product listing's buying options on eBay like starting bid price, category, shipping methods, etc.
The HTML Listing template located in the dropdown menu here is for the Style and display of the product below the buying options on eBay.
By default, your store will have an HTML template created for you and it will be shown in the drop down as "Style 1." This style correlates directly to a new HTML template in your common-html5 folder called "listing_ebay_0.html." (FTP path: "/web/assets/templates/common-html5")
However, if you'd like to create your own styles for the display of the listing, you can create your own template and name it "listing_ebay_x.html" where "x" is a number other than 0. Then, when you upload the new template to your specific Theme folder (via FTP) you will see it in the drop down as "Style 2" or "Style 3" accordingly.
Once you click on the "List on eBay" button, a popup window will come up and you can proceed with the next steps:
Special Note If you are using eBay Motors for the listing, you will also need to select the eBay Motors Product ID by searching the eBay catalog. Simply search for the part number and a list of candidate products will appear that you can select.
To continue:
- Select the Settings template (from the Store Modules section) that this product will use
The system will give you a brief summary of the settings configured on the Listing Template (from Modules)
- Click on the "Product Information" tab along the top of the window to continue
- Schedule a date and time for the listing to begin
(or click "Execute it Now" to begin it immediately).
Additional Information Directly next to the "Execute now" checkbox, you may see a different checkbox labeled "Use this quantity for all products"
As mentioned previously, if you are listing a product that has options available to it, but without eBay variations being used (in the general tab); then you will really be listing each variant of the item separately. For this reason, the "Use this quantity for all products" setting is there if you want to list the same number of units for each variant listing.
- After setting the Schedule for the listing, review the item's Title and Sub Title as needed.
- Under Quantity, set the number of units that you want to list on eBay
- Review the rest of the information on the item such as price, dimensions, etc.
Note As you list your item on eBay, the Quantity chosen for the listing will be deducted from your store's inventory for the item.
Also, please note that multiple quantity listings are not allowed for Auction purchase options. Only Buy it Now will be able to list multiple units for sale.
- When ready to proceed, click on "Preview Fees From eBay" to review the applicable fees from eBay for the item's listing.
- When you're ready to post the item, click "Finish" at the bottom.
Note When previewing fees, you will also see a listing of possible errors and/or warnings from eBay on the item's listing.
- Warnings
will still allow the listing to be posted.
- Errors
will prevent the listing from posting to eBay altogether and must be addressed.
Congratulations! Your item is now listed on eBay!

You may now repeat the process for the rest of your items as needed.
As orders and auctions are completed on your eBay listings, the integration will also bring those orders into your Shift4Shop store's Online Store Manager. Once in your Shift4Shop store, you may review, process and ship your orders as usual.
Note If you've configured your settings to also pull all of your ebay orders, the system will also import your non-Shift4Shop orders as well (up to 90-days) into the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.
To see all of your eBay orders:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top and search for "eBay" to view and expand the eBay module
- Click on "Manage Listings"
- Look to the top right and click on the "Show eBay Orders" button to view all orders.
To see individual listing eBay orders:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top and search for "eBay" to view and expand the eBay module
- Click on "Manage Listings"
Here you will see a page displaying all of your current and historical listings on eBay.
- If you have many listings, you can use the page's search filter at the top to narrow your view of the listings based on status, keywords, or specific date ranges.
- Furthermore, as the listings are displayed, they can be sorted by the name of the product, number of bids, listing type, dates and statuses.
- You also have the ability to end or re-list items as needed, directly from this page.
- Click on a listing to review its information.
As orders for the item are placed, they will appear at the bottom of the listing information page. Clicking on the order invoice number(s) will take you directly to the order.
Clicking on the "Refresh data from eBay" button at the top right will update the listing information and orders from eBay.
Additional Information The automatic updates from eBay occur once every hour. The "Refresh data from eBay" will update on demand.
Once there, you can review, process and ship the order as usual to fulfill it. As the order's status is updated, it will then reflect as such on the item listing information page.
Additional Information You can also process eBay orders from your regular order status queues. All orders originating on eBay will be displayed in your order queues with the prefix "eBay" before the invoice number.
Import Products from eBay (Only on Version 8) Back to top
Beginning with Version 8 of the Shift4Shop software, you can now import your item listings from eBay. This can be useful if you have items that you sell on eBay that are not available in your Shift4Shop store and you'd like to add them to your store's catalog for extra exposure.
To import your products from eBay to your Shift4Shop store: (Note: You must have your eBay API Access granted to the store before proceeding with the following)
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top and search for "eBay" to view and expand the eBay module
- Click on "Import Products (beta)"
This will take you to a page where you will be able to select beginning and end date range to search for your eBay listings. The purpose of this is to search for listings in this time period and download them to your store for selection.
- Set your From Date for the listing search
- Set your To Date for the listing search
- Click on "Search"
The store will download any active listings found within this time period on your eBay seller account. Once the store fetches your active listings, you will see a grid of listings with a checkbox, the product's name, category, price and the day it was last synched to your store. to proceed with the steps:
- Place a check in the checkbox of items you wish to download/import into your store
- Click "Next" to have the selected items imported.
On the next page, you will specify how the imported items will be categorized. Your options are:
- None
The items are not listed in any category
- New
The items are listed with the same category taxonomy shown on eBay which will be re-created on your Shift4Shop store.
- Select Existing
The system will allow you to select an existing category in which to place the items during the import.
When you've made your selection, take the next step:
- click on the "Import" button located at the top right of the page.
The store will then take the listing information from eBay and copy the product's name, price, description and image URLs. It will then use this information to recreate the item on your Shift4Shop store.
Note The import of the eBay Listing will include the product's name, price, description, quantity, and image URLs. It will not import product options, MPN, GTIN, SKU, Cost, Short Description or dimensional information. You will need to add these manually or through a CSV file after the eBay import is complete.