DYMO|Endicia is a service that will allow you to print your store's USPS shipping labels directly from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.
This article will details the steps needed to sign up for the DYMO|Endicia service, integrate it onto your store, get quotes for the shipping label and ultimately print your labels as needed.
The following article contains these sections. Click on a link below to review its respoective topic:
To begin the sign up process, log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and:
- Go to Settings >Shipping
- Click on the "Enter Settings" button located under "Shipping Settings"
- Look for the "DYMO|Endicia postage Technologies" carrier located at the bottom of the page
- Click on the "Enter Credentials" link
- Then click the "Register with Endicia" button
- Follow the on screen instructions to create your DYMO|Endicia account.
Entering your DYMO|Endicia Credentials Back to top
- Go to Settings >Shipping
- Click on the "Enter Settings" button located under "Shipping Settings"
- Look for the "DYMO|Endicia postage Technologies" carrier located at the bottom of the page
- Click on the "Enter Credentials" link
- Enter your credentials as specified during your initial registration
- Then click "Save" at the top right of the credentials area to set them
Note During the initial registration steps, you will have a Temporary Passphrase assigned to your Endica account. Upon entering the information on your Shift4Shop store, you will be prompted to change the temporary passphrase.
Your DYMO|Endicia account is now integrated with your Shift4Shop store.
Tip During your registration process, you will configure billing information with their service and create a balance on your DYMO|Endicia account for future postage costs. However, after the integration is complete, you can also purchase additional postage from DYMO|Endicia as needed - right from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager!
Printing DYMO|Endicia Shipping Labels Back to top
Now that your Shift4Shop Online Store is integrated with your DYMO|Endicia account, we will show how to print a shipping label.
To begin this process, log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and:
- Go to Orders >Manage Orders
- Use the order status tabs at the top to locate the order you'd like to print a shipping label for
- Once you've located the order, click on its Invoice number or use the Action Wheel >Edit link to open the order
You should now be seeing the order's information page with the itemized details of products ordered, billing/shipping information, etc.
Tip If you are dealing with an order that has a split shipment, click on the individual split shipment.
- While viewing the order, look to the top right and click on the "Shipping Label" button
Your Shift4Shop's Label Manager window will now open up.
- From the "Select a Carrier" drop down, select "Endicia"
- Specify the package's shipping parameters like class*, type, weight, dimensions, etc.

Note *If you'd like to see a listing of quotes based on Shipping Class, click on "Get Quote" to generate a preview.

- Click "Get Label" to generate the USPS shipping Label
- Confirm the selection by clicking on the "Ok" button

The Label Manager will now generate the tracking number for you, as well as give you the option to either Print, Void, or retrieve the label as a PDF file.

Additional Information Once the label is generated, the order will be updated with the tracking number as well as placed in your store's Shipped status:

Meanwhile, your DYMO|Edicia Balance will update to reflect the used postage cost.