What can I do in the Site Content section? |
In the Site Content section, you create and/or edit content pages. Content pages, are all other pages on the website not related to products and categories, such as main menu pages like Home, About Us, Contact Us and additional content pages such as Terms and Condition, and FAQs. To get to Site Content:
Once there, you will see a series of buttons for various content options of the site. Home PageClicking the "Edit" button for Home Page will let you edit your store's main page. This will use the built-in HTML Page Builder to allow you to add content to the header (top) and footer (bottom) of the home page. This section will also let you edit some SEO capabilities of the home page as needed. Tip Terms & ConditionsClicking the "Edit" button for Terms and Conditions will allow you to edit the store's pre-built ToS Policies as needed. Click here for more information Next, you will see two more sections: Top Menu Links and Footer Extra Pages. Top Menu LinksWhen you click on this section's "Edit" button, you'll be taken to the Menu Links page. The menu links page allows you to create and modify pages on the store's main navigation menu. The look and layout of your main menu is dependent on the design theme you are using but most of them will have the menu located on the top. For detailed information on how to use this area, please see our guide here. Footer Extra PagesWhen you click on this section's "Edit" button, you'll be taken to the Footer Extra Pages page. Extra pages can be used for additional site content pages such as Privacy Policy, Return Policy, Customer Feedback and other secondary site related content. Extra pages can also be used for displaying pages with Database Feeds like a Terms and Conditions page. Depending on your site's design theme, extra pages will usually display at either the bottom or left side of your page. For detailed information on how to use this area, please see our guide here. At the very bottom of the page, you will see the following buttons that can take you to other sections of your site's content design.
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