The CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) module allows you to correspond with your customers through a managed ticket system. Customers can contact you through a contact form on your website and your Shift4Shop store's software will automatically keep a record of all interactions.
To enable the CRM feature:
Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu,
- Go to Modules
- Type in "CRM" in the search bar at the top of the page to locate and expand the CRM module
- In the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) section, check the Enable CRM checkbox.
- Click Save at the top right of the page to commit your changes.
You can customize the status of your CRM tickets and the departments they can be sent to. Both the Status and Departments will display to your customers.
- Go to Modules
- Type in "CRM" in the search bar at the top of the page to locate and expand the CRM module
- In the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) section, click the "Change Settings" link.
This will bring you to a page where you can edit the various statuses and departments used by the CRM module.
To edit Statuses:
- Edit the status names in the Status field.
- Look to the far right and click on the action wheel to select "Update"
To edit Departments:
- Edit the departments available for the customer to choose from to send their CRM tickets to in the Department field.
- Check the Visible checkbox next to the departments you would like to display to the customer.
- Look to the far right and click on the action wheel to select "Update"
Customer Initiated CRM Back to top
Generally, the CRM ticket will be initiated by your customers. They can either fill out the form located on your store's default "Contact Us" link, or they can submit a ticket while they're actively logged into their customer record/account.
Tip When submitting a CRM ticket using the default Contact Us CRM form, the ticket may not necessarily be linked directly to the customer record. This is because the customer may not yet be logged into their account. Therefore, you may want to limit access to the Contact Us link (Set in Content >Site Content) so that it is only available to your store's Registered Users.
As mentioned in the tip above, a customer initiated CRM ticket can take place either on the store's default Contact Us page or from the customer's My Account page. Here, we will cover the latter method. To submit a ticket from their Customer record, your customers will perform the following:
- On your website, they will click on the "My Account" link and log into their respective account.

- Once logged into their account, they will click on the Add Request link in the My Last Requests section.

- The customer will then fill out the CRM form. They will choose which department to send their request to with their name, phone number, email address, and message.

- After the customer sends in their ticket, you (as the merchant) will receive notification via email that a CRM ticket has been sent in with a summary of the details.
Please Note The email notification you get as merchant is merely a notice of the ticket. It will contain the basic details of the CRM request but not full specifics like the submitter's email address and selected department details.
To actually respond to the contents of the ticket and the issue(s) described within it, you will need to view the CRM ticket from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.
- The ticket will be assigned an ID automatically by the system and the customer can login to the 'My Account' section at anytime to view the status and responses to the ticket.

To process the CRM ticket:
Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu:
- Go to Customers >Customer Relation
- Click the ID of the ticket you would like to view.
Tip You can also use the Action Wheel at the far right of the CRM ticket to open as well as delete it.
After opening the ticket, you will be presented with the message details. To reply to a ticket:
- View the customer request in the Messages section.
- Look towards the top right of the page and click "+Add Reply" to respond to the ticket.
This will expand the view to include a message box
- Type your message response into the Message box
- Change the Status of the ticket if need be.
- Click Save to add the response.
The customer will receive an email with your response.
Note You can see/edit the email's template by going to Settings >Design >Emails. The email is titled CRM – Reply.
Once the CRM ticket has been resolved, you can move it to the closed status. From your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager:
- Go to Customers >Customer Relation
- Click the ID of the ticket you would like to view.
- Use the steps above to type any final messages to the customer in the +Add Response section.
- Change the Status to Completed.
The customer will receive an email of your response and they can login to the 'My Account' section on your website to see the status and correspondence history of the ticket.
Merchant Initiated CRM Back to top
To initiate a CRM ticket with a customer:
- Go to Customers >Customer List and search for your customer.
- Click on the customer record's name or use the action wheel next to the customer record you would like to initiate the CRM ticket for.
- While viewing the customer record, look towards the top right and click on the Actions button.
- Click on Open CRM Ticket.
The ticket will propagate with information from the customer record, but you can make any changes to the fields if necessary.
- Type a subject for the ticket in the Subject field.
- Type your message.
- Leave the Email Customer box checked if you would like the customer to receive an email notification of the ticket.
- Click Save at the top right to create the CRM ticket.
Tip: You can also perform the same basic action while viewing an order by clicking on the Order's "Actions" button and selecting "New CRM" from there. If using this method, the CRM ticket will also reference the order number along with the customer record.
- The ticket can now be managed in the Customers >Customer Relations section. The customer can login to the 'My Account' section of your website to view the ticket.