How can I send an email newsletter to my customers? |
To send an email newsletter to your customers, use Shift4Shop's Mailing Manager.The mailing manager is accessed from: Marketing >Newsletters Creating a newsletter email.
Tip: If using the WYSIWYG editor, you will also gain access to the Mailing Wizard that can visually help you create your messages as well as add product listings to your message!
Additional Information: This will allow you to enter your email address and send yourself a test message as needed during the creation of the newsletter. Sending your NewsletterAfter creating and saving your newsletter, you will be taken back to the Newsletter list that contains all of your saved Newsletters. To send a newsletters, follow these steps.
The page will refresh with details of how many messages will be generated for this mailing. Plan Limits Please take a moment on this screen to review your specific plan's newletter limits. Each Shift4Shop plan comes with a specific limit on the amount of newsletter emails that can be sent per month. For more information, please review our pricing plan located here.
If the email did not look right, you can return to the email, make changes, and start the process again.
The system will process the request and send the emails in your newsletter list. Note: If you'd like to upgrade your account to allow for more newsletters, please visit the "Change" link in the Plan Information section of your Online Store Manager's home screen | |