Some merchants deal exclusively in digital goods or other services that don't require shipping of products to the shopper. As such, you may wish to completely remove the store's "Shipping Information" sections from the final checkout page.
Additional Information In order to use this option/setting, your store will need to have the following:
- A CORE theme installed
- A default Checkout Single Page template
(click here to learn how to make your templates default)
Also, your store must be set to use Single Page Checkout rather than Mutli-Page checkout.
To remove Shipping Information sections from your store, folow these steps:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left-hand navigation menu, go to Settings >General >Store Settings
- Once the page loads, click on the "Checkout" tab found along the top
When you get to the Checkout tab, look within the "Checkout" section where you will find a checkbox labeled "Hide Shipping Information"
- Mark the "Hide Shipping Information" checkbox
- Click "Save" at the top right of the page.

Note Marking this checkbox will also enable the store's "Billing/Shipping must match" setting. Furthermore, it will also disable the store's Multiple Ship To module.
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- Do I have to have a shipping method set up?
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