Why isn't my YouTube video showing? |
Your listing template may need updating.If you are using customized templates, you may have inadvertently remove the coding necessary to display YouTube videos. If this is the case, you will need to update your product listing to include the YouTube embedding functionality on it. The code should be placed after your listing page's main image code block. (look for the comment tag: <!--END: image1->) Below is the coding your listing template will need: <div id="realmediaBlock"> An easier alternative, would be to copy the listing pages from the common folder and apply them to your theme. However, this option will overwrite any possible customizations you may have applied. We recommend making a backup of your templates first before using either of these suggestions. You're using the wrong URLIn some cases, the URL that is being copied may contain additional actions or embedded settings in the URL that are not compatible with the YouTube video display on product pages. When copying your YouTube video URL, please make sure that the URL only contains the main video path which is typically something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[VIDEO_ID] This is known as the video's WATCH URL and it is the URL that should be used for the store's product page. You can typically copy the WATCH URL simply by copying the path on the address bar (while you're watching the video) or otherwise, click on the SHARE button and copy the youtu.be URL provided. This will ensure you are copying the the correct URL Any URL that does not follow the above format may cause errors upon playback or not even play at all from your product page. Examples of non-compatible URLs include
Also note that videos listed as private on YouTube will not display, since they require permission from the video owner to be viewed. | |