If you are making use of our Category Facets feature, we also allow for you to make use of the Import and Export tools for this data. Please keep in mind that Category Facets need to be configured first using the previously linked article, this does not allow for you to create new facets that do not exist. This is purely for updating existing facets.
Export Existing Category Facets
Due to the fact that this you can only update existing facets, you may wish to start with an Export to have a base to work off of. This is useful as you can see how information from your facets are laid out in our CSV file. Like so:

To do this:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Products >Product List
- While viewing the Product List, look to the top right of the page and click on the "Export/Import" button
- Under the Export section (on the left hand side of the page), click on the + icon next to "Category Facets"
- Click on the "Export Data" button
The store software will generate a CSV file of your current category facets. After processing the export, you can download the CSV file to your computer. This file can then be edited with whatever updates are needed.
Category Facets Update CSV Column Headers
Below is a list of the column headers found in the Category Facets CSV export file and how they correspond to settings and fields within the Online Store Manager.
- title
This column lets you specify the page title for the individual Facet page
- facets
This column contains the Facets in use for this individual Facet page.
- meta
This column contains the meta tags for the individual Facet page.
- header
This column will contain the header from the individual Facet page. It supports HTML/text.
- footer
This column will contain the footer from the individual Facet page. It supports HTML/text.
- userid
This is typically the username of the admin user which made the last edit to the category. For importing updates, it may be left blank
- last_update
This is a timestamp created by the software to indicate the last update of the category. For importing updates, it may be left blank
- main_cat_name
This column contains the database number for the main category on the store being used for this set of Category Filters.
- parent_ids
This column contains the database numbers for the parent category for the filter categories being used.
- canonical_url
This column contains the Canonical URL for individual Facet pages.
- edited_record This column indicates if this particular record has been edited.
- category_filter_ids
This column contains the database numbers indicating the parent_id followed by the filter_id structured as: parent_id|filter_id
- id
This column contains the database number used for this facet.
- main_cat_id
This column indicates the main category used to house a set of filter categories.
- url
This column contains the individual facet's page URL. Please note that this should not be edited.
- sorting
This column contains the sorting order for the facets.
- level
This column indicates the level of filter being used. It tells you how many layers deep it is in the filter tree.
- category_filter_nofollow
This column contains the "nofollow" tag. See here for more details.
- filter_ids
This column contains the database ID numbers used for any categories used for this particular facet.
Updating Category Facets
As mentioned earlier, you can also update existing Category Facets on your store via CSV as well. While we do recommend viewing an export file first, you can also work off of a clean sample file if you prefer.
When you are done creating the CSV file, make sure to save it on your computer (saving it as a CSV file). Once this has been done, you can begin to import it:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Products >Product List
- While viewing the Product List, look to the top right of the page and click on the "Export/Import" button
- Under the Import section (on the right hand side of the page), click on the + icon next to "Category Facets"
Once you're there, use the "browse" button to locate the file on your computer and click "Import Data" to have it uploaded to your store.
Additional Information The actual import/export process takes place "behind the scenes" of your store's software to prevent it from interfering with your store's active processes. By allowing the function to work in the background, you can go to other pages of the admin and still work on your store while importing or exporting large files.
During the import process, you will be taken to the Import/Export Status page which will display a grid layout of your recent imports and exports. The progress column will show you the progress of the import.
At the far right of each grid item will be an action wheel that contains the following options:
- Download: Allows you to download the CSV file after a successful import/export
- Notify Me: For larger, more time consuming files; this option will let you input your email address so that you will receive a notice once the import/export is complete.
- View Log: Allows you to review the log of the import/export so you can see how many items were updated, inserted or if any records failed.
- Cancel: Allows you to cancel an impending import/export
- Retry: If for some reason the import/export fails, you may use this option to attempt a retry of the file.
- Delete: Use this to delete the record altogether from the status page.
This will be present in all of the store's Export/Import functions.