Knowledgebase: Customers

What information does the Customer Stats show me?


Shift4Shop will automatically compile statistics of each customer that shops on your store. These statistics can be viewed in the individual Customer profiles contained in your store.

To view Customer and Product stats, please be sure to enable the "Advanced Statistics - Products and Customers" module in your online store manager's Modules page.

Customer Stats

To view customer stats, go to the Customers link on the left hand navigation. Then select or search for the customer record and click on the customer's name (You can also look to the far right of the customer record and click on its "Action >Edit" button). While viewing the customer record, click on the Stats tab.

Below is a summary of what these records will show:

  • Average Order Amount:
    Average total price of each order.Customer Rank: Ranking score based on total amount spent in your store.
  • Customer Since:
    The date the customer first purchased something from your online store.
  • Last Payment Method:
    The payment method used on the last purchase.
  • Last Shipping Method:
    The shipping method used on the last purchase.
  • IP History:
    A listing of previous IP addresses that the shoipper originated from.
  • Customer Rank:
    The customer's ranking among your entire shopper base.
  • First Known Referral:
    The URL that referred the customer to your store for the first time, i.e. search engine or web page.
  • Last Order:
    The last date the customer made an order.
  • Order Frequency:
    On average, how often the customer places an order.
  • Order Stats Graph:
    This graph displays the total value of each sale and the date each order was placed.

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