
Can I export my Blog articles?


If you'd like to make a backup of your store's blog articles, you can use the built-in export function found within your Blog module.

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left-hand navigation menu, go to Content >Blog
  3. Look at the top right of the page and click on "Export"

From this page, you can export (or schedule regular exports of) a CSV file for your store's blog articles.

CSV Headers

The CSV file will contain the following headers:

  • id
    This is the database entry ID for the blog article
  • post_date
    The post date of the article in mm/dd/yyyy format
  • title
    The title of the article
  • subject
    The subject of the article
  • post_short
    The short post of the article
  • post
    The full post of the article
  • metatags
    The meta tags listed for the article
  • post_author
    The article's author
  • post_draft
    Denotes whether the post is in draft mode (1) or published (0).
  • userid
    The username of the admin staff that added the post
  • last_update
    The last updated date of the article in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format
  • filename
    The custom file name of the article
  • post_image
    If the article contains a post image, this column will display the path to the image.

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