Knowledgebase: Shipping

How do I Set Up Delivery Estimate on my Products?


The Show Delivery Estimate module (available on Pro Store plans and higher; including the Free End-to-End eCommerce Plan) will let you have an estimate displayed on your products showing your shoppers when the item could potentially ship to them.

The estimate will let the user enter their postal code and it will show them the fastest available shipping method and when they may get their shipment. The estimate will also show how much longer the estimate is good for.

Please note that the delivery estimate module is not compatible with our existing Restrictive Shipping App.

Delivery estimates on the product page will display all of the store's available shipping methods regardless of whether they're restricted on the individual product or not.

The Delivery Estimate module is not compatible with Advanced Shipping Manager.

To set this up on your store, you will need the following requirements

  • A Shift4Shop Store
    It needs to be on a Pro Store running version 9.1 or higher
  • FedEx/UPS Shipping Calculation
    Your store must be set up with either UPS and/or FedEx real time shipping calculation.
  • Google Places API
    You will also need a Google Places API Key

Please note that this module will only function for US-based zip codes.

When setting up your Places API access, be sure to also enable the Maps JavaScript API under APIs in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Also, when creating your Google API key, be sure to restrict the application's use so that it is only used by your website. More information is available here.

Once you have met all of the above requirements, take the following steps to set up the module.

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Using the left hand navigaion menu, go to Modules
  3. Once the Modules page loads up, use the search bar at the top to search "Show Delivery Estimate"
  4. Click on the "Settings" button to continue

When you click on the "Settings" button, you will have the following settings and fields to configure.

  • Google API Key
    Enter your Google Places API key. If you need to sign up for one, the link provided in the field will help you get started.
  • Language Settings
    The following settings are mostly intended to let you edit the language that will be used on the module.
    • When we know the zip
      This is the message that will appear on the product page and will display the actual estimate. The message itself can be tailored to your specific needs, but it will use the following variables to insert store data:
      • [date] - The estimated delivery date
      • [city] - The destination city based on the ZIP code entered
      • [state] - The destinatieon state based on the ZIP code entered
      • [shippingmethod] - The store's fastest available shipping method for the individual item.
        (Note, if you have FedEx and UPS at the same time, the store will select whichever is the quickest.)
      • [timeleft] - This will insert a countdown timer indicating how much longer the estimate is good for.
    • When we don't know the zip
      This is the message displayed to the user if they have not yet signed in or entered their ZIP code in any part of the store yet. It will be displayed as a link fo rthem to enter their ZIP code.
    • Confirm the zip
      This is the label on the button they will see when they are entering their ZIP code
    • Change the zip
      And this will be the label of the link they will use f they'd like to enter a different ZIP code.
  • Excluded Dates
    Here you will enter any dates that you wish to exclude from estimates. For example national holidays, special delivery dates, etc. Dates should be entered in mm/dd/yyyy format, and separated by commas.
  • Days to get the order ready
    Enter here how many days it typically will take you to get the order ready for delivery. This will be factored into the estimate.
  • Delivery Cutoff Time
    Enter the cutoff time when you stop placing new deliveries. This will also be factored into the estimate as well as the countdown.

To continue with the set up steps:

  1. Once you have configured your settings, click "Save" on the popup modal.
  2. Finally, click the "Enable" checkbox on the module to turn it on
  3. And click "Save" at the top right of the page to commit your changes.

That's it! All of your (in stock) products will now show a delivery estimate on them.

This feature requires specific HTML coding be present on your HTML templates. If you have customized listing_x.html templates for your products, please revert them to their default versions to ensure this feature works correctly.

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