Knowledgebase: Payment

How do I Add Sezzle to My Shift4Shop Store?


Sezzle is an easy to use and secure online payment service that allows your shopper to pay for their order through installments. Meanwhile, as merchant, Sezzle will settle payment with you directly and automatically.

The following instructions will help you set up Sezzle on your Shift4Shop store.

You will first need a Sezzle Merchant account to proceed with these steps. Please click here to sign up and create your account.

Retrieving your Sezzle API Keys

Once you have your Sezzle Merchant account created, you will need to create/retrieve your Sezzle API Keys. Please refer to Sezzle's Documentation on Creating your Software API keys

Installing the Sezzle App

  1. Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  2. Next, click here to install the Sezzle App.
    (Note: link will open up in a separate browser tab)

The Sezzle App is provded via REST API. When you install the Sezzle app, you'll be taken to the Application Authorization page in order to apply it to your store.

  1. Enter your store's secure URL.
    (Be sure to include the https:// prefix)
  2. Click on Proceed

The Sezzle installation process will next display the permissions that are required for the app to function. Be sure to mark the acknowledgment checkbox and then Authorize the app to continue.

Once these steps are taken, you'll be redirected to the newly installed Sezzle Payment Method in your store's admin. You may now proceed with the next steps.

Configuring the Payment Method

  1. Click on the On/Off toggle switch to enable the payment method
  2. Enter your Public Key (from steps 1 and 2 above)
  3. Next, click on the "Change" link to enter your Private Key

While adding your keys, you can also take the opportunity to change the following additional options in the Payment Method:

  • Caption
    Change the title the payment method as it will appear on your checkout pages (default is "Online Credit Card").
  • Customer Group
    Edit the customer pricing group the payment method will appear for.
  • Region
    Edit the Exclude list for areas that should not be applicable to the payment method

You may also click on the action wheel (next to the On/Off toggle) to access the advanced settings and edit the Minimum and Maximum Order Amounts that the payment method will appear for.

Once your changes are set:

  1. Click the "Save" button at the top right of the page

Your Sezzle Payment Method is now ready to use.

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