
How can I manually sort my category's product listings?


In your advanced category settings, you can control how your items are displayed within that given category. The options available to you in this section are:

  • Product Price (Low to High - High to Low)
  • Product Age (Newest/Recently Added)
  • Product Name
  • Product Age
  • Product Stock
  • Average Review
  • Review Count
  • Free Shipping/On Sale Status

In some cases, these options may be too limited for your specific needs. For example, you may want to add a more organic flow to your category product listings and group similar items together rather than sorting by price, name or age. If necessary, you can also specifically control exactly which order the items are displayed by using the Product Sorting feature.

Product Sorting

  1. Go to Products >Categories
  2. Click on the "Action" button located at the far right of each category
  3. Click on the Product Sorting link
  4. Type the sorting number next to the corresponding products in the Sorting field. Lower numbers will display before higher numbers.
  5. Click Save to set your sorting


Be aware of the following:

The same smallest to highest sorting flow will also be applied to products marked as category specials in the "Featured Products" section.

Also note that the Product Sorting feature will not work if your specific category has a default sorting parameter set. Therefore, if you plan to use product sorting to fine tune your category's product listings, please make sure to remove any default sorting setting in the Category Page Settings section for the individual category.

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