Customers Emails
The following variables will be found in the various customer emails sent from the store. These include registration, password reset and CRM notification emails. The email templates listed below do not include order emails since those templates are listed in their own section of the email template interface.
Tip In the variables listed below, global variables (discussed here) will be shown in red for easier reference.
Customer Registration - Approval Email sent to customer when their registration is approved.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [email]
- [pass]
- [billing_address]
- [billing_address2]
- [billing_city]
- [billing_state]
- [billing_zip]
- [billing_country]
- [comments]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
Customer Registration - Customer Email sent to customer when they register for an account on the store (pre-approval)
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [email]
- [pass]
- [billing_address]
- [billing_address2]
- [billing_city]
- [billing_state]
- [billing_zip]
- [billing_country]
- [billing_company]
- [accountno]
- [nontaxable]
- [groupname]
- [description]
- [minimumorder]
- [price_level]
- [comments]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
Customer Registration - Merchant Email sent to the merchant when someone registers as a customer
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [contactid]
- [email]
- [pass]
- [billing_address]
- [billing_address2]
- [billing_city]
- [billing_state]
- [billing_zip]
- [billing_country]
- [billing_company]
- [accountno]
- [nontaxable]
- [groupname]
- [description]
- [minimumorder]
- [price_level]
- [comments]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
Joined Mailing List Email sent to customer when they join the mailing list
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
Left Mailing List Email sent to customer when they unsubscribe from the mailing list
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
New Blog Comment Email sent to the merchant when a comment is posted on the blog
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [blog_comment_email]
- [blog_comment_name]
- [blog_comment]
- [userip]
- [postid]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Recommend a friend Email sent to recipient when a visitor uses the "Recommend to a friend" link
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [visitorname]
- [friendname]
- [message]
- [catalogid]
- [thumbnail]
- [itemname]
- [id]
- [name]
- [extended_description]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Reset Password Email sent to the customer when they click on the "reset password" link.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [key]
- [userid]
- [email]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
CRM - New Ticket Email sent to the merchant when a CRM request is submitted
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [customer]
- [subject]
- [message]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
CRM - Reply Email sent to the CRM customer when their CRM ticket is updated with new information.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [customer]
- [subject]
- [status]
- [department]
- [message]
- [company]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
CRM - Reply to Merchant Email sent to the Merchant when a CRM ticket is updated with new information.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [ticketid]
- [subject]
- [message]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Rewards Notification Email sent to the customer notifying them any new rewards points they may have earned.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [firstname]
- [order_points]
- [invoicenum]
- [point_balance]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]