Affiliate Emails
If using your store's built-in Affiliate Program the following email template variables will come into play. Each of these emails will be sent to either the store merchant, or the affiliate account holder. The shopper who happens to place an order using the affiliate link is not notified via these templates.
Tip In the variables listed below, global variables (discussed here) will be shown in red for easier reference.
Affiliate Account Active - Affiliate Email sent to Affiliates when their account is made active.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [email]
- [state]
- [phone1]
- [zip]
Affiliate Account Active - Merchant Email sent to Merchant when an affiliate's account is made active.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Affiliate Order Approved - Affiliate Email sent to an Affiliate when their affiliate order is approved.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [ordernum]
- [orderamount]
- [ordercommissionpercent]
- [ordercommissionamount]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Affiliate Order Approved - Merchant Email sent to Merchant when an affiliate's order is approved.
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [ordernum]
- [orderamount]
- [ordercommissionpercent]
- [ordercommissionamount]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Affiliate Registration - Affiliate Email sent to a user when they register for the store's Affiliate program
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]
Affiliate Registration - Merchant Email sent to the Merchant when someone registers as an Affiliate
- [store_url]
- [invoicelogo]
- [store_name]
- [billing_firstname]
- [billing_lastname]
- [address1]
- [address2]
- [city]
- [state]
- [zip]
- [phone1]
- [email]