Knowledgebase: Site Design

How do I Create a Custom Landing Page?


To create a custom landing page to your store, simply create your own custom HTML page using the editor of your choice, and save the file as "default.htm" (no quotes).

After you've created your landing page, connect to your account via FTP, and upload the file to your "/web" folder.

Once this is done, anyone visiting your site will see your customized landing page rather than your store's homepage. This will also cause all "Breadcrumb" links, and any links pointing to "Home.asp" to direct visitors to your custom landing page.

You can link your custom landing page to your store front and provide an entrance to your store, by adding a click through to home.asp. (a href="home.asp") This will enable visitors to click and enter your main store front pages.

Just be sure to visit your Online Store Manager and click on the "View Store" button to clear the site's cache to have the click through work properly.


You are able to upload any custom HTML page of your choice using these same steps. This can be useful if you need to upload an HTML file for verification or perhaps you already have a custom page you wish to keep. "default.htm" will simply be used as a landing page when first accessing a store.

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