How do I set up the Shift4Shop/Amazon Order Integration? |
Shift4Shop's Amazon Integration Module allows you to import your processed Amazon Seller Central orders directly into your Shift4Shop store for reporting and centralization. Rather than logging into two interfaces - your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager for your Shift4Shop orders and Amazon Seller Central for your Amazon based orders - you can now have all the orders centralized into one channel! Note The integration does have the ability to send script synchronization emails - which can be used to view when synchronization occurs and if any orders were brought in. However, be aware that this email is sent each time the synchronization script runs (once every hour), so it can fill up an inbox rather quickly. The following steps assume that you are already set up to sell on Amazon and have created your Amazon Seller Central acocunt. If you have not yet done this, you may begin the process by clicking here. Once this part is complete, use the set up instructions below to set up the Amazon Order Synch Integration. Setting up the ModuleThe following steps will show you how to set up the module in your Shift4Shop store.
At this point, you will link the Shift4Shop store with your Sell with Amazon account. To continue:
Note After logging into your Seller Central profile, you will be asked to authorize the onboarding connection.
After the onboard process is complete, you'll be taken back to the FBA module on your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. Now we will go over the individual settings found on the page. Script SettingsYou will have the following settings available in this section.
Additional Information However, be aware that since these orders are fulfilled by Amazon directly, they will not contain the order's name or address information (since that is not information provided by Amazon). Therefore, when FBA orders are imported for the order sync module, they will be displayed in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager with "FBA Orders" in the First and Last Name fields of the order. Furthermore, the address information will be blank. This is intentional (only for the imported FBA orders) and due to the fact that the information is not provided by Amazon during the synchronization
Important Order MappingIn this section, you will map the downloaded orders to specific order status queues found in your Shift4Shop account. This is intended to give you an area in which to view the orders more easily prior to processing.
Order Settings
Report Settings
Shipping MappingFinally, this section will allow you to map the shipping methods recorded on the orders coming in from Amazon so that they match up to your store's available shipping methods. As with the Payment Type option described previously, this is intended for reporting purposes so that the orders are shown to have been shipped by a specific method located in your Shift4Shop store. For example, Amazon's "expedited" shipping method would be mapped to one of your stores priority shipping methods, while Amazon's standard shipping service is mapped to a regular shipping method in your store. Again, the purpose of mapping these elements is mostly for reporting purposes and to ensure the orders are shown to have been shipping using some sort of method in your store. PII Data HandlingAmazon's data protection policy governs the treatment of user data retrieved via their Marketplace APIs. As such, their policy stipulates that "Personally Identifiable Information" (PII) can only be kept for a maximum of 30-days. In order to comply with these rules, when your Shift4Shop store synchronizes your Amazon orders, the script will also update the orders that are are older than 30-days. During the update, the PII Data in the Amazon orders will be replaced with the phrase "Amazon Replaced" into the applicable sections of the orders. Order Details like monetary amounts and products will be preserved for reporting purposes, but identifiable customer information (i.e. Names, Phones, Addresses, etc) will show as "Amazon Replaced" within the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. | |