Knowledgebase: Legacy Payments

How do I integrate my store with Visa Checkout?


Visa Checkout is a digital payment service designed to simplify the checkout experience using a secure, single sign-on across channels and devices using a customer's preferred payment method.

Shoppers who use Visa Checkout can store their card information on Visa's secure service and - when shopping on your online store - can simply select the Visa Checkout option, sign into their Visa Checkout account, select their payment method and have it automatically populated on the cart to complete their order.

Visa Checkout is NOT a payment gateway service which charges and collects payment. Instead, it will securely populate the customer's billing and card information onto the final checkout pages of the store. As a merchant, you will still need to have a payment gateway which will handle the actual charging and collection of the credit card funds.

Shift4Shop has made the integration process as easy as possible by allowing you to set up Visa Checkout directly through your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.

First, you will need to register your store with Visa Checkout. To do this, follow these steps.

Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the loeft hand navigation menu:

  1. Modules
  2. Look for the Visa Checkout Module and click on its +Icon to expand the selection.
  3. Then, click on "Change Settings"

For your initial set up of Visa Checkout, the "Change Settings" link will take you to a registration page containing the following sections:

Shift4Shop's Visa Checkout Integration is only available for Merchants in the US and Canada.

Business Information

  • The following information will be used for your registration's business information. Note that most of these will be pre-populated from your store's settings, but may be changed if needed.
    • Trade Name
      Your Business' name (prepopulated for you from your merchant information)
    • Legal Name
      Your Business' legal name (Also pre-populated and in most cases will be the same as the trade name)
    • Website URL
      The full URL to your store (This is prepopulated)
    • Identification Type
      The type of business Identification method you would like to use for the registration. your choices are:
      • EIN
      • BN
      • ABN
    • Identification Value
      Your company's respectice ID (based on the above selection)
    • Annual Transaction Volume
      Your store's number of annual transactions. Your choices are:
      • Low - under 3 million transactions
      • Medium - 3 to 25 million transactions
      • High - Over 25 million transactions per year.

When registering with the Identification Types listed above (specifically, EIN), please make sure that the ID is elligible as a credit card acquiring account - which is a requirement for transacting with Visa Checkout.  It is sometimes common for merchants to have an EIN with their credit card banking institution that is different than the business EIN and may inadvertently enter the incorrect one.  Therefore, you may experience delays in the registration process. You will want to use the EIN that is tied to your credit card aquiring bank.

Company Information

  • This section will also be prepopulated from your store's information, but may be changed if needed.

Primary Contact Information

  • These fields are also prepopulated from your store's Merchant Information section

Other Information

  • Finally, this section will allow you to specify settings that you would like to use with your store's Visa Checkout integration including the following options:
    • Card Brands
      Specify which card brands you would like to make applicable/available via your store's Visa Checkout
    • Accept Canadian Visa Debit
      Choose whether you are willing to accept Visa Debit cards originating from Canada
    • Accepted Shipping Regions
      Select which shipping regions (US, CA, and AU) you are willing to accept for Visa Checkout
    • Logo URL
      When Visa Checkout is selected by your shopper, they will see the login information in a pop out lightbox display. This URL is prepopulated with your store's logo path so that it shows alongside the Visa Checkout Logo. You may also specify a different path to an alternate logo if desired.
    • Customer Support URL
      This is also used for the lightbox display allowing your shoppers to contact you for customer service inquiries. It is prepopulated with your store's contact us page information.

When you have completed the registration successfully, your store will be integrated with Visa Checkout and it will be ready for use by your shoppers.

The "Other Information" settings can be reconfigured after registration as well by returning to the Visa Checkout Settings page described in the original steps.

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