Shift4Shop allows you to add handling costs to your orders. Handling charges are typically used by merchants as a way of recouping order shipping costs. For example, costs for packaging supplies like shipping peanuts, air/bubble wrapping, tape, etc. In some cases, handling charges are also used to factor in special requirements for shipping some items such as hazardous materials, dry-ice for perishable items, and other circumstances.
On your Shift4Shop store, Handling Costs are created by a method in which you specify an additional line item fee that is added to the order. The handling cost can be required on orders over a certain value as either a flat monetary amount or percentage of the order's overall value. Furthermore, beginning with version 9.1.6 of the Shift4Shop software, you also have the option to set handling charges based on the individual products being purchased on the order.
Here, we will describe how to set up Handling Costs for both situations.
Adding Handling Costs on a Per Product Basis
This will let you specify handling costs based on the individual items ordered.
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu go to Settings >Shipping
- Once there, click on the "Add Handling Costs" button located in the "Handling" section.
The above actions will take you to the Handling Costs page where you can configure handling charges on a per product basis. To continue:
- Using the checkboxes located in the "Settings" section, select the options most applicable to your needs
Your settings are as follow:
- Enable Handling
Turns on the Handling Cost feature.
- Exclude Gift Certificates
This will exclude gift certificate products from the order total calculation since ordered gift certificate are not physical products but rather a purchased credit on the store.
- Exclude eProducts
This will exclude eproducts from the order total calculation since eproducts are not physically handled products but rather a purchased download.
Beginning with Shift4Shop version 9.1.6, you will also see a new checkbox in this settings section:
- Use Ship/Markup for Handling
This setting will apply the product's individual "Ship/Markup" price as the markup charge*
*Additional Information If you are using the "Use Ship/Markup for Handling" setting described above, the store will apply handling charges based on each product's Ship/Markup price. The product Ship/Markup amount can be set in the product's Information Tab.
The product Ship/Markup is normally added to the order's shipping costs, but this Handling setting will designate it as a handling cost instead
As such, you should be aware of the following:
- If a product does not have a Ship/Markup amount speicifed, it will not have anything applicable for handling.
- If multiple units of the same item are added to cart, the Ship/Markup cost is multiplied. In other words, if the Ship/Markup is $1, and the shopper adds two of the same item, handling will be $2.
- Using the "Ship/Markup as Handling" setting will ignore the order ranges used in the default handling cost configuration (see the "Adding Handling Costs on an Order Amount Basis" section below. In other words, if you want your handling costs to be based on order amounts, do not use this setting.
Once you have completed configuring the settings to your needs, click "Save" at the top right of the page to complete the set up.
Your store will calculate handling based on each ordered item's individual "Ship/Markup" price.
Adding Handling Costs on an Order Amount Basis
This will let you specify handling costs based on the order amount. This method will let you specify order amount ranges and handling charges for each range. Furthermore, when the handling charge is added to the order, it will added as a line item on the order's invoice.
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu go to Settings >Shipping
- Once there, click on the "Add Handling Costs" button located in the "Handling" section.
The above actions will take you to the Handling Costs page where you can configure handling charges on a per product basis. To continue:
- Using the checkboxes located in the "Settings" section, select the options most applicable to your needs
Your settings are as follow:
- Enable Handling
Turns on the Handling Cost feature.
- Exclude Gift Certificates
This will exclude gift certificate products from the order total calculation since ordered gift certificate are not physical products but rather a purchased credit on the store.
- Exclude eProducts
This will exclude eproducts from the order total calculation since eproducts are not physically handled products but rather a purchased download.
Note Do NOT mark the "Use Ship/Markup for Handling" checkbox for this handling charge method.
As mentioned, Handling based on order amounts is displayed as a line item to the customer's order. Therefore, you will need to specify some information for the line item itself. Look towards the right side of the Handling Costs page and you'll see two fields for "Handling Item"
- Product ID
This will be used for your internal reference when processing the order
- Name
This field will be used for the name of the charge as it will appear to your shopper
Once you have completed configuring the settings and Handling Item specifics to your needs, click "Save" at the top right of the page to complete the initial portion of the set up.
Next, you will need to add order ranges in which the applicable Handling Cost line item will appear.
- Click on "+Add New" button at the top right of the page
- Enter your Minimum Order Amount and Maximum Order Amount Ranges for the first range as shown
- Enter the price of the handling charge.
The price can be specified either as a flat monetary value or a percentage by marking the % checkbox
- Click Add to set your first range.
If you need additional Handling Cost ranges, simply repeat as often as needed to include all your ranges.
Tip Since we're dealing with monetary values in the Min/Max ranges, remember to include the .99 cent increments in each!
When applicable, the handling cost line item will look like this:

Additional Information As discussed, the Handling Charge is added to the cart as a line item. Please be aware that this may alter expected shipping rates when using Custom Shipping by Quantity options on the store.