Knowledgebase: Add-Ons

How do I use the Address Verification app?


The following instructions will help you set up the Address Verification Module:

Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu:

  1. Go to Modules
  2. Use the search bar at the top to search for the "Address Validation" module and click on its settings button.

You will have three checkboxes that can be toggled on.

The three checkboxes will do the following:

  • Block Checkout for Invalid Addresses
    This checkbox makes it so that the shopper absolutely HAS to select the suggested address in order to checkout.
  • Enforce 9 Digit Zip Codes
    This makes the address verification favor the +4 zip code format on the address suggestions.
  • Enable Validation on Phone Orders
    This checkbox enables Address Verification when placing a phone order.*

*The address validation on phone orders specifically works on phone orders using the new single page layout and when adding a new customer record during the phone order process.

  1. Once your settings are set up, click on the "Save" button found at the top right of the page.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the Address Verification App

  • Will it work with any shipping method or carrier?
    The address validation simply connects to a database of United States Postal Service addresses to verify that the entered address is written and formatted correctly.
    However, this verification process is independent of whatever carrier your store is tied to for real-time shipping rates.
    So it can be used to return rates for any shipping carrier.
  • Will the address verification change all addresses to ZIP+4?
    Only if you select the "Enforce 9 digit zip codes" option in the settings of the module (see above).
    If enforced, then the shopper will need to select the suggestion in order to proceed with the checkout process.
  • Will it capitalize all addresses?
    This is simply because the database where the addresses are being verified are listed in ALLCAPS.
    To avoid any possible confusion, the suggestions will be presented in the same format for selection.
  • If an address is accurate except for caps and lack of ZIP+4, will it still prompt the customer to change?
    Again, to prevent any possible confusion in the formatting of the address, the verification App will always suggest the ALLCAP version, even if the address is technically correct but written in non case-specific lettering.
    The ZIP+4 will only be suggested when 9-digit ZIP codes are enforced via the settings described above.
  • Does it work with International Addresses?
    The database of addresses that it uses to verify are strictly US-based addresses.
    For International Addresses, the verification App will have no bearing, and will not come into play at all.
  • Can customers still proceed with their own address?
    As long as you do not use the "Block Checkout for Invalid Addresses" setting in the module (see above).
    If that setting is not used, then the shopper will be able to click on a link labeled "Continue with the Address I entered" and proceed with the checkout process, bypassing the address verification app altogether.
  • Would this work for any country ?
    No, it only works for US-based mailing addresses.
  • Will this take Residential/Commercial rates into consideration? Yes!
    The address validation will display the applicable residential/commercial rates for the shopper based on their address type.
    (Note: you should have the "Allow Address Selection" option turned OFF in the store's Shipping Settings for this option to work completely.)
  • Does this work with HTML4 templates?
    No. This feature is not compatible with HTML4 templates.

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