If you are in an area that requires VAT pricing, you are generally required to display your product pricing in a format that includes the item's purchase price as well as the item's charge without tax applied. Shift4Shop's VAT module allows you to display your product and store prices in the acceptable format for Value Added Tax display.
Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu:
- Go to Settings >Payment
- Click on the "Setup Tax" button under "Tax Manager"
Once there, you will see a new checkbox and area for your VAT specifications. There are three sections to this area:
- Enable VAT Tax
This will enable VAT display on your products and checkout pages.
- Rate
This will be the overall tax rate used for the VAT display of your pricing. For example, if your overall tax rate is 10%, you would enter 10 in the box.
- Price Format
This is a pre-formatted string containing the dynamic variables which will display your VAT pricing. It can be edited as needed, but the default is as follows:
[price_vat] ([currency][price_novat] exc VAT)
- After you are finished setting up your VAT module, click "Save Changes" at the top to commit the module changes.
Important Please be aware that the Shift4Shop VAT module is only for the display of your pricing in VAT format. The actual tax rates and rules will still need to be created on your store so that appropriate tax rates are charged and applied to your orders. For information on adding tax rules to your store, please click here.
After setting up the store's VAT module, your products will be displayed like this:
