How do I move an order out of not complete to new? |
When an order has not been completed or otherwise failed during the checkout process, it will go into the store's Not Completed status. Typically, a not completed order is generated through simple "window shopping" on your store - where a visitor may add something to their cart and simply leave before clicking on the check out button. In some cases however, the order will not reach completion if the credit card was declined. In these cases - where the order has actually progressed to checkout, but failed - it is possible to move the order to a different status. (Presumably after contacting the customer directly to fully process the order.) To move the order to new status:
While viewing the order, have a look at the top left of the page to see if it contains an Invoice #. The presence of an invoice number indicates that the order was interrupted due to a problem on payment. This means that it can be updated to move to the New status. Important
At this point the order is marked as Unpaid because you are likely in contact with the customer to collect payment from them. Once payment is actually collected, proceed with the next steps:
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