Shift4Shop merchants have access to Shift4Shop's Product Question & Answer module which allows customers to ask questions about specific products. These questions can then be answered by other store shoppers or the eCommerce store's staff. Questions and their answers will then remain on the product page where other visitors can view them. This can help drive conversion up by providing additional information to other shoppers about the products you sell.
Furthermore, merchants can also enable a special helpfulness rating system on the Q&A Module that will allow visitors to vote whether the answers provided were helpful to them or not. This will then allow the Answers to be sorted in a most helpful to least format, allowing your visitors to make informed decisions when purchasing your wares.
This article contains several topics which will guide you through the process of setting up and using the Product Q&A module. Use the links below to review its respective topic.
Enabling the Product Q&A Module Back to top
Please take the following steps to enable the Q&A Module:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top to search for "Product Question & Answers" to view the module
You will see the following settings and configuration options:
- Enable Questions and Answers
Place a mark in this checkbox and save the Store Modules page to enable the feature.
- Manage Q&A
As questions are asked and answered, this button will take you to them so they can be managed, displayed, approved, provide additional answers, etc.
- Enable CAPTCHA for Q&A
Use this checkbox to enable CAPTCHA verification on the module for when questions and answers are submitted.
- Number of Questions to Display
Enter the maximum number of questions which will be displayed on the page.
- Require Login
Select this checkbox if you would like your customer to log into their respective customer records before posting a question, or an answer to a previously posted question. Otherwise, Questions and their Answers can be asked by anyone.
- Enable Email Confirmation
Use this checkbox to have the posters enter their email address twice when posting a question and/or answer. (to ensure the email is correct)
- Notify All Questioners of new approved question for same product
When marked, this checkbox will notify every user who asked a question upon approval of another question on the same product.
- Notify All Answerers of new approved answer for same product
When marked, this checkbox will notify every user who answered a question upon approval of another answer on the same product.
- Allow Helpfulness Rating
This will add a button to each posted Answer, allowing visitors to vote on which answer was most helpful.
- Default Question Sorting
Allows you to dictate how the Questions and their resepctive Answers are sorted. Your options are:
- Most Helpful
Questions with Answers which have been voted the most helpful
- Newest to Oldest
Questions sorted to show newer Questions first.
- Oldest to Newest
Questions sorted to show older Questions first.
- Auto-Approve Questions
This will automatically approve and post the question to your product's listing page.
- Allow Users to Answer Questions
Marking this checkbox will allow your store users to also answer posted questions. (Default is only merchant staff can answer questions)
Once the module is enabled, your product listing pages will be displayed with a link, inviting people to ask a question.
As mentioned in the previous section, enabling the module will add a special link to your product listing page inviting users to ask a question about the product. The wording on the link will be respective to whether the product has had any questions asked on it (so far) or not.

If no questions have been asked about the product yet, the link will read as follows:
Questions about this item? Be the first to ask here.
If questions have already been asked about the product, the link will read like this:
Questions about this item? Ask here.
Tip You can change the wording of the links in the Settings >Design >Store Language page.
Clicking on the link will open up a pop up window that will allow the user to post their question.
If the user is already logged in, their name and email address information will be pre-populated. Otherwise, the form will ask for this information.

Note If you have login required for the Q&A module, the user will first be taken to the login page so they can log in. Then they will need to revisit the page to ask their question.
Upon submitting their question, the user's question will be ready to display on the product page. However, the display depends on whether or not you have the module set to auto-approve questions (see the Auto-Approve Questions setting mentioned above).
If the checkbox is marked, then the question is posted right away, allowing your staff (or other users) to answer the question.
If the box is not marked however, you will need to use the "Manage Q&A" link (found within the module itself) to review, edit and approve the question.
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top to search for "Product Question & Answers" to view the module
- Click on "Manage Q&A"
You will see all of the products that have had questions asked thus far. Clicking on the product name in this list will allow you to view its asked Questions.
After clicking on the action wheel and selecting "edit" for the respective Question, you can review, edit and even provide an answer to the question. (see next section)
Be sure to Save your changes to post the question on the product page. Once the Question is approved, the system will email the person who posted the question to let them know it has been posted on the store and ready for answering.
Tip You can use the Filter button on the Questions and Answers page to find your products more easily. You can also use the column headings to sort the listings as needed.
Then, when viewing the product questions page, you can also use the column headings to sort your listing for ease of use.
Another setting within the module allows you to specify how Questions are answered (see the Allow Users to Answer Questions setting mentioned above).
If the checkbox is not marked, only merchants and the eCommerce store's staff will be able to provide answers to the question. If the checkbox is marked, then both staff and public users will be able to provide answers to the posted questions. However, public answers will still need to be reviewed and approved by the eCommerce store staff.
To To Post an Answer to a Question (eCommerce store staff only): Back to top
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top to search for "Product Question & Answers" to view the module
- Click the name of the product that you'd like to edit Q&A for.
- On the subsequent page, look for the question that you'd like to answer and click on its action wheel to select "Edit"
- Click on the "Add Answer" button to provide an answer to the question
- Be sure to click "Save" at the top right to post the answer.
Note If the question is approved and the answer is being provided by your in-house staff, then the answer is automatically set to "approved" and will post right away.
To Approve a Publicly Posted Answer (all users): Back to top
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Modules
- Use the search bar at the top to search for "Product Question & Answers" to view the module
- Click the name of the product that you'd like to edit Q&A for.
- On the subsequent page, look for the question that you'd like to answer and click on its action wheel to select "Edit"
In the "Answers for this Question" section of the page, you will see the posted answers in a grid. You can also see which have been approved or not.
- Click on the Action wheel to select "Edit" for the answer you'd like to review.
- Review and edit the Answer as needed
- Click on the "Approved" checkbox
- Then click "Save" at the top right to post the answer.
Additional Information While reviewing/editing posted answers, the system will also show you a record of the number of people that have found the Answer helpful in the Helpfulness Rating system - if the "Allow Helpfulness Rating" option is turned on. (See next section)
The Product Q&A Module also contains a setting that allows users to rate posted answers as being helpful or not (see the Allow Helpfulness Rating setting mentioned above).
When this option is enabled, users can vote on the helpfulness of the answers provided. The page will have a button labeled "Was this Answer Helpful?" and users can select yes or no to rate it.
The system will then record the number of Yes votes, compared with the total number of votes and provide viewers with a listing of the most helpful answers to the question.

Furthermore, merchants can choose to sort the displayed answers in order from most helpful to least.
The system is tailored to send notification emails for several transactional events on the Product Q&A module.
These emails are controlled by special HTML templates that can be modified to your specific needs is desired.
Important The email templates themselves are written in HTML and will require HTML knowledge to edit. Please note that Shift4Shop Support is not able to provide instructions on HTML design or modification as it is outsode the scope of support.
To view/edit the email notification templates:
- Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
- Using the left hand navigation menu, go to Settings >Design >Email
Towards the bottom of the page, you will see a section labeled "Product Emails." Within this section, you will have a series of email templates pertaining to the Product Q&A module.
- Click on the actio wheel to the far right and select "Edit" on any of the email templates to alter your notification emails as needed.
Here's a brief description of each email template:
- New Answer-Approved
When a posted answer is approved by the merchant's staff, this email is sent to the person who posted the Answer for the Question.
- New Answer - Customer
When a user posts an answer to the Product Question, the system will email them to notify that the Answer has been received and will be reviewed/approved shortly.
- New Answer - Merchant
When a user posts an answer to the Product Question, this email will notify the merchant that an Answer has been provided and is ready to be reviewed/approved.
- New Question - Approved
When a posted question is approved by the merchant's staff, this email is sent to the person who posted the Question that their submission has been received and is pending review.
- New Question - Customer
When a user posts a Question to the Product, the system will email them to notify that the Question has been received and will be reviewed/approved shortly.
- New Question - Merchant
When a user posts a Question to the Product, this email will notify the merchant that a Question has been submitted and is ready to be reviewed/approved.