How do I configure Drop Shippers on my Shift4Shop Store? |
If any or all of your products are shipped directly from the distributor to your customers, then you can use your Shift4Shop store as a "drop shipping" cart. This allows you to have the orders come into your store while automatic email notifications are sent to your distributors containing the specifics of the order (distributor items, quantities, address, etc). Your distributor then sends the product out to the customer as needed. Shift4Shop's drop shipper features also allows you to use the distributor's address as the origin address for the shipping calculations. Therefore, at checkout the items will be grouped by distributor in order to correctly calculate the shipping rates for the total weight of the order from the distributor's address to the customer's address. Note In other words, let's say the order contains Item 1 (coming from Dropshipper A) and Item 2 (coming from dropshipper B). The shipping rate for Item 1 is calculated as $5 and the shipping rate for Item 2 is calculated as $4. During checkout, you shopper will see a combined shipping rate of $9. Setting up the DistributorsTo add the distributors list
Note: If the email Subject and Message sections are left blank, the store will use the its default Distributor email template found in Settings >Design >Emails The order emails will be sent to the distributor only when the order includes products that belong to this specific distributor. The next step in the process is to assign the individual products that are shipped by your distributor. Assigning Products to the DistributorAfter setting up the distributor's list you need to assign the products that belong to each distributor.
Your product will now be tied to the distributor and drop shipping will correspond accordingly. | |