How do I Setup Pre-Defined Boxes for my Order Shipment? |
In a previous article, we described how to set the maximum weight that is applied to each box used for shipping your orders. Using that method, during the shipping calculation request, the store would send the carrier (UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc) a rate calculation request based on the following:
If the combined weight of the order exceeded the maximum box weight set in the store, then the shipping calculation would factor for multiple boxes. Unfortunately, using this method, there’s no way of specifying the dimensional sizes of the boxes being used. Only that the maximum weight per box was a set number. Rather than setting the maximum box weight as described in that article, merchants can instead create pre-defined box dimensions for use in shipping calculation. This means that - with box dimensions pre-defined - the store will now send the appropriate box size(s) to the carrier for a more accurate factoring of the shipping costs. The following steps will describe how to set up your pre-defined shipping boxes. After logging into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager,
Tip To add your first box, click on the "+Add New" button (located at the top right) and fill out the supplied fields:
Once you are done with your first box's dimensions, click add to save it. Then, repeat these steps for as many boxes as you need for your store. Additional Information Selecting one from the drop down will automatically populate the length, width and height fields. You may also select to use your own packaging to make your own dimensions as needed. How It All WorksWith multiple box dimensions set up, the store will now select the appropriate box to use for the shipping calculation request that will be made to the carrier. This box selection will be based on the total weight and dimensions of the products being ordered - in comparison to the available weights and measures specified for your boxes. If a particular order is heavier or larger than the largest box, the store will then add the next appropriate box size to the order for proper factoring of the shipping costs. | |