Why don't my CCBill paid orders show up on my Shift4Shop Store? |
When using CCBill as your payment gateway, you may receive notification from your CCBill account of an order being processed but it does not appear in your Shift4Shop store. To correct this, you will need to specify a "callback URL" on your CCBill account that redirects the purchaser back to your Shift4Shop store. This callback process finalizes the order and sets it as "New" on your Shift4Shop store so you can process and ship the order to your customer. The callback url you will need to use is as follows: https://[secure-url]/paymentreceive.asp Be sure to use your Shift4Shop's store secure URL. If you do not know your site's secure URL, log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and navigate to Settings >General >Store Settings, and look for the Store and Secure URL fields to see this information. | |