Knowledgebase: Orders

How do I set my Invoice Numbers?


By default, your Shift4Shop store will be set with a generic invoice numbering designation of AB-1001. Whenever a new order is processed and an invoice number is generated by the store, the number will increase by one. However, you may need to have your invoices numbered in a different way.

Perhaps you'd like to have a custom prefix or a different numbering structure. In other cases, you might need to have your order numbers follow a different sequence.

Whatever the need, you can easily modify these aspects from your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.

Invoice Number

  1. Go to Settings >General>Store Settings
  2. Select the "General" tab located along the top of the page
  3. Scroll down to the "Invoice Number" area
  4. Click on the "Edit Invoice Number" link

You will see two fields:

  • Invoice Prefix
    A prefix that will apply to all orders. This can be letters and/or numbers. All orders will share the same prefix
  • Invoice Number
    This will begin the numerical sequence used for your orders. For example, if set to 1000, the very next order processed on your store will be 1001 and all subsequent orders will be sequentially numbered (1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, etc)
  1. Change your prefix and/or number as needed
  2. Click the "Save" button located at the top right of the page

When changing the invoice number, please be sure that the number is always higher than the last order in the system to avoid any tracking or store keeping conflicts due to mismatched or previously used numbers

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