By using the product option feature, you can create product bundles. Product bundles allow you to link multiple products from your database together to create a bundle/kit. The product bundle feature will remove stock from the products that are included in the kit as well as list out each individual sku on your invoices. It is important to note, you should not include products with options into the bundle as the customer will not have a choice to choose which option they want – i.e. size, color, etc.
Create Product Bundle
To create a product bundle for your products, log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. Once there, use the left hand navigaiton menu to:
- Go to Products >Product List
- Locate the Item you want to add the bundle options to and click on its Thumnbail Image, ID, or Name to open it up.
Tip You can also look to the far right of the product and click on its Action Wheel and select "Edit" to open up the product.
While viewing the product editing page, you will see a series of tabs located along the top of the page.
- Click on the Options Tab.
- Look along the top right of the page and click on the +Add New" button to add an option to the product.
- Type in your Option Name, i.e. Bundle 1
- Type in the Sorting number which is used to control how your options display if you have more than one for the same product. Lower numbers will display before higher numbers.
- Check the Req. checkbox if you would like this option required to be chosen by the customer to be able to add the product to the shopping cart.
- Choose the way you would like the option to be displayed in the Type field, then click Add.
Note The option type must either be Dropdown or Radio for this feature to work.
By following the steps above, you have created an option designation on the product. Now, you will create the individual option selection sets for the product.
Look towards the far right of the option listing you just created, and click on the "+Add [option-name]" link.
Note The link to add your option sets will be labeled with the name of the option. For example, if the created option name is "Colors" then the link to add individual option selections will be labeled "+Add Color"
- Type the name of the product you would like to add to the kit in the Description field, i.e. Belgian Chocolate for Product 1
- Change the option's sorting, part number and additional value if needed.
- Click Add.
This will create the selectable option on the product. After you've created your selectable option, you will proceed with the next steps to create your bundled items.
While viewing the product's option tab:
- Look to the far right of the option set and click the "Select" link in the Custom Item section.
A pop up window will appear listing your store's products.
- Locate the product you would like to add to the bundle, and click on its action wheel to "Select" the item for bundling.
- If you would like to add a second product to the bundle, repeat steps 1 through 13 until all of your bundled items are set up
Note The bundle feature will not add up the prices of each individual product you add to the kit.
If a shopper selects the bundled product, the price of the bundle will reflect the price entered on the Product's Information tab.
If you would like the product to increase in price when the bundle is selected, you will need to use the Value box found as you create the individual options. (See step 10)
Also note, when selecting the item that is added to the bundle, the QTY box will have no effect.

Additional Information If you'd like to also include the weight of the items in the bundled kit so that shipping calculation takes the total weight of the package (Item and bundled items) into consideration; please proceed with the following steps.
From your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager:
- Go to Settings >General >Store Settings.
- Look along the top of the page and click on the "Checkout" tab
- Scroll down to the Checkout section until you see the "Bundles - Add subitems weight " checkbox.
It is located just below the "Edit Invoice Number" link.
- Place a mark in the checkbox
- Click "Save" at the top right to commit your changes.
This setting will combine the total weight of the main item as well as its sub-items* when the bundled kit is purchased. (*This does not work with sub-item weights specified using Advanced Options.