This article will give you a step-by-step process on how to import your manufacturer information.
Import Manufacturers
To import your Manufacturers, you will first need a copy of the appropriate sample.csv file. Log into your Shift4Shop online Store Manager and use the left hand navigation menu to:
- Go to Products >Product List
- Once there look towards the top right of the page and click on the "Export/Import" button
The Export/Import page will list a series of Export options on the left and Import functions on the right. Look towards the right hand side of the page (Import), and click on the +Icon next to the "Manufacturers" option.
- Click the link that says "Sample File" and download the sample file.
This action will download a CSV file named manufacturers.csv to your computer. Here's an example of what the spreadsheet will look like.

You may now add information to the proper columns Below is a brief description of each field:
Note Do not remove, add, or edit any columns to this file. If you do not have a need for a column please leave it blank. This is the exact format the file needs to be to import your Manufacturer information properly.
- id
This is the unique ID assigned to the manufacturer by the Shift4Shop system. If this is a fresh import, you will leave this column blank.
- manufacturer
This is the name of the Manufacturer the product is associated with.
Tip The list of Manufacturers can be located in the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager by going to Settings >General >Manufacturers.
Any new manufacturers entered in the CSV file will be automatically created in the system.
- logo
This is the path to the image file for the logo of the manufacturer. Example: assets/images/logo.jpg
- sorting
This will determine the sorting order of the Manufacturer list. Lower numbers will display before higher numbers. Put 0 if you do not have a sorting preference.
- header
This is the content that will display above the main body or content of the page for the manufacturer.
- website
This is the URL of the manufacturer's website. This will display on the manufacturer page – the customer can click on the website link to direct them to the manufacturer's website. Example:
Once you have filled in your information, Save the edited CSV file on your computer.
- Go to Products >Product List
- Once there look towards the top right of the page and click on the "Export/Import" button
Look towards the right hand side of the page (Import), and click on the +Icon next to the "Manufacturers" option.
- Browse for your file in the Import section.
- Click Import Data
Important Please be aware that the import function has a limit of 30 megabytes. If the CSV you are trying to import is larger than this, please split it up into separate, smaller files no larger than 30MB each.
The store will import you product manufacturer data and update the products accordingly.
Additional Information The actual import/export process takes place "behind the scenes" of your store's software to prevent it from interfering with your store's active processes. By allowing the function to work in the background, you can go to other pages of the admin and still work on your store while importing or exporting large files.
During the process, you will be taken to the Import/Export Status page which will display a grid layout of your recent imports and exports. The progress column will show you the progress of the import.
At the far right of each grid item will be an action wheel that contains the following options:
- Download: Allows you to download the CSV file after a successful import/export
- Notify Me: For larger, more time consuming files; this option will let you input your email address so that you will receive a notice once the import/export is complete.
- View Log: Allows you to review the log of the import/export so you can see how many items were updated, inserted or if any records failed.
- Cancel: Allows you to cancel an impending import/export
- Retry: If for some reason the import/export fails, you may use this option to attempt a retry of the file.
- Delete: Use this to delete the record altogether from the status page.
This will be present in all of the store's Export/Import functions.
Note Please make sure your store's secure URL is pointing to your Shift4Shop store.