How can I offer Free Shipping to only a specific Customer Group? |
By using a combination of Custom Shipping Methods and Customer Pricing Groups, you can essentially offer free shipping for a specific group of customers. This can be useful for situations where you may have local customers you manually deliver to, or perhaps local customers that come to your brick and mortar location and therefore don't need to pay for shipping. This article will describe how to set up a customer group specific "Free Shipping" option, but the same logic can be applied to situations that offer customer specific flat rate shipping as well. Create Your Customer GroupIf you have not done so yet, the first step will be to create your Customer Group for these specific users. Please click here for the article which details the process. Create your Custom Shipping MethodAfter creating your special customer group, the next step will be to create a custom shipping method that offers free shipping for this specific group only. If you have not done so yet, please click here for the article which details this process. Note Assigning Shipping Methods to Customer GroupsNow that you've created your "Free Shipping" Customer group and your Custom "Free Shipping" method the next step is to assign your shipping methods to their respective groups. From your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, use the left hand navigation menu to go to Settings >Shipping. Once there, click on the "Select Methods" button under "Shipping Methods" Next, find the shipping method that you'd like to edit and click its "Settings" link followed by the "Advanced Settings" link. From here, simply assign your custom shipping method to the special group, and also assign your regular shipping methods to "None." This will ensure that only your special customers will see their special shipping method, while your regular customers (who don't belong to any particular group) will only see the regular shipping methods. Tip
Note Assigning Individual Users to this GroupThe final step now is to assign your individual customers to this free (or flat rate) shipping group. To do this, use the following steps: From your Online Store Manager
The customer is now part of the special group. | |