
How do I use the Scheduled CSV Exports function?


With Shift4Shop, you can schedule individual exports for most of the CSV files used by your store. This can be useful for situations where you might need to store an export of your customer records directly to your site's FTP folder. Or perhaps your fulfillment service requires that you send your orders to them via an email. Yet another situation can be for situations where you need to upload your product inventory tables to a distributor's FTP site.

The CSV scheduled Exports feature can help you configure these situations as needed.

Scheduling an Export

To schedule a CSV export, simply go to any of the various Shift4Shop CSV export screens and you'll see a button labeled "Schedule."

There are three main CSV export screens to choose from. These are:

  • Orders
    Using the left hand navigation menu in your Online Store Manager, go to Orders >Manage Orders and click on the "Export/Import" button located along the top right of the page. Find the export that you would like to use and click on its +Icon to reveal the Schedule link. You will have the ability to schedule exports for:
    • Orders
    • Checkout Questions and Answers
  • Products
    Using the left hand navigation menu in your Online Store Manager, go to Products >Product List and click on the "Export/Import" button located along the top right of the page. Find the export that you would like to use and click on its +Icon to reveal the Schedule link. You will have the ability to schedule exports for:
    • Products
    • Categories
    • Product Options
    • Advanced Options
    • Bulk Pricing
    • Products Pricing
    • Product and Advanced Option Inventory
    • Export Image Gallery image paths
    • Amazon Product Ads (if applicable)
  • Customers
    Using the left hand navigation menu in your Online Store Manager, go to Customers >Customer List and click on the "Export/Import" button located along the top right of the page. Find the export that you would like to use and click on its +Icon to reveal the Schedule link. You will have the ability to schedule exports for:
    • Export Newsletter Subscribers
    • Export Customer Records
    • Export "Blacklist" emails
    • Reward Points

When you click on the "Schedule" button for either of these, you'll be greeted with settings that allow you to configure how the scheduling takes place. Your settings are as follows:

Scheduled export settings are user specific to each online store manager login profile.

  • Enable Checkbox
    Use this to enable scheduling for the individual CSV export
  • File Name
    This will determine what the file's name will be upon exporting. (*.csv)
  • Schedule
    Use this area to set the frequency of exports. 1 to 24 hours, starting at a specific time of day.)
  • Action
    Use this area to determine where the export file is sent. You options for this are:
  • Save File
    Will save the export to your site's regular exports directory (domain/assets/exports/) *see note
  • Email File
    Will send the export to a specific email address of your choosing
  • FTP File
    Will upload the file to an external FTP server outside your Shift4Shop FTP account.

Special Note

Please be aware that the Save File option will save the export file to your site's regular export folder. This is the same folder that is accessed when running a normal CSV export or import from within your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. As such, this folder will only contain one file at any given time - the most recently generated export. Therefore, the "Save File" option should only ever be used for one of your exports at any given time.

Furthermore, please be aware that running a regular CSV export from your Online Store Manager will overwrite any scheduled exported CSVs which may be present in that folder.

For multiple scheduled exports, it is best to use the "Email File" and "FTP File" options instead.

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